Trying to nail the exact yardage with all the proper adjustments will make you crazy. The game is too real. Anybody that thinks they can nail an exact yardage in a given situation is a bit delusional. You definitely increase your odds by doing it by performing all sorts of calculations and charts but in the end does it consistently work? Is it worth the headache and ultimate expectation let down because the ball didn't go where you hit it?
How about using these conditions as "clues" to how your mindset should be? The wind is blowing to the right so I know I have to stay left. How much?-a lot if it's really windy, not so much if it isn't. Mindset. It's 168 to the hole-do I hit a 160 and roll up or back off a 175 with spin? Wind's still from the left so make sure to stay that way and don't crush the 175 iron-back off a little. Mindset. 10 ft putt going right to left.DON'T PULL THE PUTT. Mindset. So on and so forth. Get the picture in your head first and then compute.
If you try a few practice rounds thinking this way you might find that you're trying to hard to be perfect. Just get it close and work on what really is going to help you score-the putting. Try picturing a 3 ft circle around the pin and shoot for that. Then shrink the circle as you get better.
Aggravation and frustration are fed by expectations. Relax those expectations a bit-it really enhances the enjoyment, IMHO.