Just read old thread about RUNWME &Wife..My g/friend spends alot of time @ my home,after watching me enjoy the game so much of course she wants a piece of the action..Now then do I let her use one of the many old laptops kicking around,should I stop her opening account,insists she does so @ her place,piggy back someones signal,tell her she can't use best computer WE own,open my own 2nd account @ her place ( the accusations would come anyway ),ever let her practice on my accout,would this breach account rules if she has or hasn't in the past,agree and risk an account have spent months and about $400/$500 building up ,damn the rest of you and tell her 'of course you can' use a computer you contributed to buying,contact WGT for rule clarification,tell her put her/our $500 into something less fraught with danger ( The Euro ? )or B , get a new girlfriend..wow having fun shouldn't be so much effort and time consuming..........Sod it welcome your newest member...Feel free to chip in Icon,might then concentrate on golf rather than Logistics and rules..Andy..