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why so exspensive

Wed, Jul 4 2012 12:00 PM (11 replies)
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  • riverc
    169 Posts
    Sat, Jun 30 2012 5:37 AM

    I'm talking about the balls give me a break charging what it cost for a real sleeve of balls. They trying to make it as real as possible this game eats balls up. they should give 10 balls for 500 credits give me a break the game is not real so quit trying to charge like it is real. This game will start losing players and has already. lets face it this game is useless to play without having the over priced balls that don't last for *** and the littlest mistake is totally taken advantage of in the program. Just answer this to play this game and to excel in it you must have a good ball now how long will you keep buying balls at that price for something that is not real. I don't care who it is but everyone will come to the point that they will no longer buy the balls. Then what well they do..... they will go to playing with the unlimited hoax balls. Then they will quit playing all together this game is made to make money no doubt but it must focus on keeping players around. I think there are a couple of things that could be done 1.) as i mentioned earlier give 10 balls for 500 credits.

    2.) Why cant you gift your used equipment to a friend or to another player its ridiculous what they buy the equipment back for. they are not going to lose any thing cause if I'm gifting my equipment it means that I upgraded mine right. So why not let me gift my used equipment and they could make that equipment only good for 30 days and then take it out. there for the new player gets to see what the game could be and probably invest in equipment after the 30 days and if not nothing lost. Those are small things I think that would go a long way. I myself am about to that point that i will not purchase any more balls at those prices. I know i am not the only one. especially when the game will automatically ruin a good round almost every time one way or another iv experienced it and iv read many other post stating the same thing. My issue right now is sense i have moved up into tour pro tier something new is happening that rarely was happening before. In a 2 week span after moving tiers I lipped over 230+ putts. Give me a break that right there is where the program ruins good rounds for me and that is how it is. You think I want to keep spending money in this game when that IS going on. Another thing I'm seeing is the ball will come to a halt like it hit a brick wall right at the hole. So you really cant say that the program does not ruin rounds cause it does. I'm not looking for anyone to tear into my post i am just simply stating my oppions and maybe a couple of suggestions. These are the reasons i will be quitting here soon if they don't make it more affordable. Thanks for letting me express my views a little bit here.

  • Clive2010
    40 Posts
    Sat, Jun 30 2012 12:28 PM

    Why cant you gift your used equipment to a friend or to another player its ridiculous what they buy the equipment back for. they are not going to lose any thing cause if I'm gifting my equipment it means that I upgraded mine right. So why not let me gift my used equipment and they could make that equipment only good for 30 days and then take it out.


    WGTicon , please discuss with your work mates, thats a great idea!! also if people have the feel for the club and they like it , it will encourage the players to buy that particular club, you make a profit , NOT a loss!


  • ljbast
    943 Posts
    Sat, Jun 30 2012 12:33 PM

      I'm not going near the price of ball thing. It is what it is. Still pretty cheap entertainment on this site.

    As far as not allowing to gift old equipment, that makes sense. Imagine a well established Legend starting a new account and sending equipment over to the new account. Think about it.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Jun 30 2012 12:43 PM


    1.) as i mentioned earlier give 10 balls for 500 credits.

    I get 24 balls for 520 crs.

    And yes, it limits my options because the best clubs meter too fast for me, I'd have to buy top balls to play them, and, not willing to pay their price I'd have to take credits from others who spent their money or time (for surveys etc.), which I don't want.

    So I'll stay with my decent clubs and budget balls (Tour SDs).


    2.) Why cant you gift your used equipment to a friend or to another player its ridiculous what they buy the equipment back for. they are not going to lose any thing cause if I'm gifting my equipment

    This has been discussed ad nauseam here.

    Fact is that they will lose money (75 % of the shop price) if ppl get equipment for free when the resale price is 25%.

  • riverc
    169 Posts
    Tue, Jul 3 2012 12:26 AM



    1.) as i mentioned earlier give 10 balls for 500 credits.

    I get 24 balls for 520 crs.

    And yes, it limits my options because the best clubs meter too fast for me, I'd have to buy top balls to play them, and, not willing to pay their price I'd have to take credits from others who spent their money or time (for surveys etc.), which I don't want.

    So I'll stay with my decent clubs and budget balls (Tour SDs).


    2.) Why cant you gift your used equipment to a friend or to another player its ridiculous what they buy the equipment back for. they are not going to lose any thing cause if I'm gifting my equipment

    This has been discussed ad nauseam here.

    Fact is that they will lose money (75 % of the shop price) if ppl get equipment for free when the resale price is 25%.

    How do you figure that 75% the equipment will only be good for 30 days hell go 2 weeks but if anything they will still make money not lose money . As far as somone opening a new account and shipping used equipment over it will only be good for a short time so what good would that do ? I really doubt you would see that. But i do think that it would increase revenues. I players were not sure weather to invest this is a sure way to sway them. On the other hand if the player wasnt going to invest  in the game at all then whats the differance..... where do they lose money. They no longer have to rebuy the equipment that will expire any ways. So actually they will be saving money on the rebuys. will not lose a cent but stand to increase the revenues on players gifting old equipment. If they cant see that or you cant see that then thats why this site will struggle.  Another thing that the site should really pay attention to is a simple fact. The players they have at present should really be focused on keeping them around and let more sign up  to increase the membership level. Now if they dont they will be relying on new players joining all the time which is not a for sure and frankly thats just like playing texas holdum always drawing for a hand . The end result is you will lose alot of money that way. The way your going to keep the membership where it is now  and to increase the numbers is focusing on keeping players here. Which was my other suggestion if they dont change thier greediness and quit looking short run get all you can now attitude they are going to start losing gobs of players.  Anyone that is playing here now and has played with the premium balls will not waste thier time if they are forced to play with the unlimited starter balls.  Im sorry to say noone can afford to play this game at the unfair prices they are charging for virtual golf balls COME ON THEY ARE NOT REAL. I went back and looked at my history and i was buying a sleeve every other day somtimes 2 a day do you think thats close to reality. NO I play 9 holes here 15 min real life 2 hrs. so its not close to reality so stop already with the exspensive balls your hanging yourself. So increase the amount of balls you get for the money and If I hit one in the water on the course true I lose the ball. But this is virtual if I hit one in the water here give me a break hit the duribilty and give my ball back. Now im at that spot to where its I will not play this game or should say I cannot afford to play this game. If I am forced to play with the unlimited balls whats the use i will never be able to post a good score.  why waste my time im sure that most people in here would agree I dont even see an argument to this. While it is good fun entertainment it is very pricy entertainment and in the long run they will begin to lose more players than they will have new players signing up thats for sure.  Those are little changes that would GO A VERY LONG WAY IN KEEPING PLAYERS AROUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNND.

     Thats just my oppion and is only 2 suggestion that  i say is with out a doubt possitive changes. Im sure that there are others also these are just the ones im dealing with in decieding if i will play the game or not.  Now heres one for you that everyone has over looked and I dont know why. Am I wrong when I say that it is no different playing this game for male or female. I mean is it harder for the females to click the mouse button than it is for the males. DING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DONG!!!!!!!!!!!! DUHHHHHHHH This is just one spot that you can not try and make as close to reality as possible in real yes they get the yardage break cause they dont physicaly hit the ball as far. But not on this game its the same man, woman, or child.  FIX THAT PROBLEM NOW. The tees should only be accourding to the tier you are in man woman or child. There is no such thing as ladies tees in this game LMFAO your kidding right on some holes they get a 50 yrd advantage yeah boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii thats where you cheat if you were ever going to cheat in this game. Sign up as a female cut 10 to 50 yrds maybe more off your yardage per hole. HA HA HA HA HA  what a huge break for the ladies.

     Thanks for letting me exspress my oppions with out being battered  as I see that happens in other posts I have read in here.    Ken

  • pjctas0822
    4,622 Posts
    Tue, Jul 3 2012 12:41 AM


    As far as not allowing to gift old equipment, that makes sense. Imagine a well established Legend starting a new account and sending equipment over to the new account. Think about it.


    That already happens just ask all the cheating loser multi accounters.

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Tue, Jul 3 2012 4:19 AM

    I think it should be 5 cents.


    my nickle

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Jul 3 2012 5:46 AM


    How do you figure that 75% the equipment will only be good for 30 days hell go 2 weeks


    This was not what I said.

    Sorry, nothing to say to your further verboseness.

  • Allen63
    364 Posts
    Tue, Jul 3 2012 7:33 AM


    I think it should be 5 cents.


    my nickle



  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Tue, Jul 3 2012 8:46 AM

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