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Forum-based suggestions

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jul 19 2012 8:26 AM (7 replies)
  • SgtDoodles
    3,112 Posts
    Sun, Jul 1 2012 10:07 AM

    The forums are a mess because the mods aren't doing much, if any, merging, locking and deleting of threads. PLEASE can the forums be tidied up a little.

    One of the things I find most annoying is when someone makes a new topic about a driving range or a putting green, when there are already a thousand and one topics about it. IMO the best way to deal with these posts are either merge it with another topic about the same thing or post a link to a previous discussion about it and then lock the thread.

    Also, there needs to be some sort of punishment. A "friendly reminder" of the rules in an email, then 2 warnings, then a ban of 10 days, a ban of 20 days, then a permanent forum ban. The way it's currently set people get the odd post deleted but don't really know how close they are to a forum ban.

    While I'm at it, can the "forum wars" be dealt with properly. Either the whole thread gets deleted or locked or the mods do nothing. The involved posts should be deleted and the thread's intentions carried on as normal, unless the intention was to start a fight.

    Another thing! Can you create the option to give mods the chance to give thread bans. This would be useful in threads where someone's sole intention isn't to add anything to the thread, but just attack someone in the thread.

    WGT moderators, please can my suggestions at least be heard. I hope this post isn't falling on deaf ears.

    Post over, sorry if it sounded like a rant... just something I feel strongly about :-)

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sun, Jul 1 2012 10:33 AM

    I agree. It's about 5 years out of date. Ok, ten.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Jul 1 2012 11:00 AM


    Please alert any thread that is breaking the rules or has forum wars or anything else and we'll take a look at it.

    As for the other thing, Yes, I hear ya on it as well:).


  • MioKontic
    4,660 Posts
    Sun, Jul 1 2012 1:17 PM

    I think this thread should be locked and the Sarge banned.

    Ok, only joking!  I think.

    Thing is Sarge, there are always new people signing up (I'm talking legitimate new sign-ups!).  I'm sure when you signed up you didn't do a search for every single topic you wanted to post about; instead you simply started a new thread.  As people get used to things they may do a search, but I don't think anyone should be punished if they don't.  Also, things move on, progress, and so something that was written 2 years ago may now be out of date.

    I do understand where you're coming from... just look at all the quitter threads, but I don't think the solution is as simple as you make it.

    It does look like we have been made moderators now, and WGT will simply do the work when we've told them about something.

    5,835 Posts
    Sun, Jul 1 2012 2:16 PM

    The forums are a mess

    Yup! :)

    Merging, closing duplicate threads WITH a link to the original thread.


    Threads which go way OT (off topic) from the OP (Original Post).

    Deleting posts and the one who made the post can see a reason by the moderator with an option to edit their post to comply.

    Everyone else would see:

     ~ post deleted~

    The poster would see:

    ~post deleted ~ off topic or trolling or personal abuse etc Click here to edit your post and a moderator will revise.


    some sort of punishment.

    Yes, like a 7 day Penalty Box for major infringements or 72hr for a predefined tally of continued smaller infringements. User can see the forums but not participate. Users nic name displays a 'penalised' icon within the forums..
    Another forum i visit will put you in the 24hr penalty box for X amount of posts deleted over a certain time. 


  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Sun, Jul 1 2012 4:17 PM



    Please alert any thread that is breaking the rules or has forum wars or anything else and we'll take a look at it.

    As for the other thing, Yes, I hear ya on it as well:).


    Dont hardly do that correctly . Really? I have seen plenty of attacks on people that were personal and not handled very well at all. Nothing done about it handled in the same manner multi accounters are . 

    Icon when WGT lets things go for whatever reason it is hard to change it over night . If your going to have rules in place then apply those rules to everyone not just who you feel like . Yall let things go on for too long and the you guys sometimes punish the wrong person afetr they had been attacked . Its like the teacher catching a kid passing a note . But who was it that passed it to him in the first place ?

    There are alot of things you can do but stop talking about it and start being about it and start taking action. But most of all be fair and look at the whole picture not just the tail end of things.


    5,835 Posts
    Mon, Jul 2 2012 12:08 AM

    but stop talking about it and start being about it and start taking action.


    here here. why after 3 years are we still getting the same frustrations expressed in the forums, the same requests being asked for & the same ongoing inadequecies of the finer points of the game?



  • SgtDoodles
    3,112 Posts
    Thu, Jul 19 2012 8:26 AM

    See, this is what I'm talking about. Icon couldn't be bothered to delete a few posts in that thread and carry on with what could be a very fruitful discussion, so he'd rather lock it. Also, fortunately for WGT, ending the discussion which really brought to light what is IMO WGT's biggest problem.

    Also, if there was the thread ban feature Icon could ban the two trolls who brought it off-topic could be given a thread ban to avoid further discussion from them.