The forums are a mess because the mods aren't doing much, if any, merging, locking and deleting of threads. PLEASE can the forums be tidied up a little.
One of the things I find most annoying is when someone makes a new topic about a driving range or a putting green, when there are already a thousand and one topics about it. IMO the best way to deal with these posts are either merge it with another topic about the same thing or post a link to a previous discussion about it and then lock the thread.
Also, there needs to be some sort of punishment. A "friendly reminder" of the rules in an email, then 2 warnings, then a ban of 10 days, a ban of 20 days, then a permanent forum ban. The way it's currently set people get the odd post deleted but don't really know how close they are to a forum ban.
While I'm at it, can the "forum wars" be dealt with properly. Either the whole thread gets deleted or locked or the mods do nothing. The involved posts should be deleted and the thread's intentions carried on as normal, unless the intention was to start a fight.
Another thing! Can you create the option to give mods the chance to give thread bans. This would be useful in threads where someone's sole intention isn't to add anything to the thread, but just attack someone in the thread.
WGT moderators, please can my suggestions at least be heard. I hope this post isn't falling on deaf ears.
Post over, sorry if it sounded like a rant... just something I feel strongly about :-)