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Suggestion to WGT about players who disconnects

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jul 2 2012 4:07 PM (3 replies)
  • Romansoleil
    1,046 Posts
    Mon, Jul 2 2012 11:34 AM

    Hi, i'm pretty new to this great game that i find a blast, except for all those players who disconnects after a bad hole or one bogey, it's getting to the point that this game is boring, so hard to get a full round in and if they dont use the menu to quit, we all get a bug. players that only keep the good scores to me have a fake score, to me score is no that important, i'm here for the fun, I cant always be good, this game is to hard.

    I suggest that you take off +1 from the overall score of the player who disconnects, it would make for less disconnections and we will start seeing real scores, and make it more fun for those who never disconnect. Thank-you, peace

  • WGTNiblick
    26 Posts
    Mon, Jul 2 2012 3:17 PM

    Thanks for the suggestion!

  • dario2589
    202 Posts
    Mon, Jul 2 2012 3:36 PM

    sandbaggers will love this lol

  • Shanked7Iron
    9 Posts
    Mon, Jul 2 2012 4:07 PM

    Agreed Dario,  The software should allow WGT to be able to count the number of times a person disconnects then have a stat showing the %. which could be shown during the setup for a game. Similar to TW games and allow the folks who want to enjoy a round with like players. Otherwise WGT has and is doing a great job and look forward to many rounds!