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WGT Congressional Championship Winners

Mon, Jul 16 2012 7:14 AM (79 replies)
  • WGTwildcat
    648 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2012 10:57 AM

    Thanks to everyone who played in last weekend's WGT Congressional Championship. We saw some great competition, with mere strokes deciding the winners. This was just the first in our Summer Tournament Series, so be sure to join in the rest for some more challenging competition and the chance to win more prizes.

    Here are your list of winners, who all won Amazon gift cards for placing in the top three in each tier. Congratulations!

    Pro Tier

    1. phanbrandon
    2. Flyersorange
    3. BetsyBraddock

    Tour Pro Tier

    1. Dathoang95
    2. iamawgtmaster
    3. ap1forthewin

    Master Tier

    1. haiau00
    2. MarcelDionne
    3. sandsman

    Tour Master Tier

    1. K1ngM1chael
    2. savethetatas
    3. IePkrwd

    Legend Tier

    1. BolloxInBruges
    2. Win1Soon
    3. Buckthebuck
  • BIGAL123
    203 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2012 12:10 PM

    Thanks for the posting - Congrats to all winners !!  Especially those who deserve it !!

  • Jolexi
    429 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2012 12:20 PM


    Thanks to everyone who played in last weekend's WGT Congressional Championship. We saw some great competition, with mere strokes deciding the winners. This was just the first in our Summer Tournament Series, so be sure to join in the rest for some more challenging competition and the chance to win more prizes.

    Here are your list of winners, who all won Amazon gift cards for placing in the top three in each tier. Congratulations!

    Pro Tier

    1. phanbrandon
    2. Flyersorange
    3. BetsyBraddock

    Tour Pro Tier

    1. Dathoang95
    2. iamawgtmaster
    3. ap1forthewin

    Master Tier

    1. haiau00
    2. MarcelDionne
    3. sandsman

    Tour Master Tier

    1. K1ngM1chael
    2. savethetatas
    3. IePkrwd

    Legend Tier

    1. BolloxInBruges
    2. Win1Soon
    3. Buckthebuck

    Are the rest of the tournaments going to be unlimited play?

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2012 12:44 PM

    Amazing!! Betsy won again.

  • nickuk
    967 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2012 1:08 PM


  • oilyrag
    875 Posts
    Sat, Jul 7 2012 9:17 AM


    Here are your list of winners, who all won Amazon gift cards for placing in the top three in each tier.


    nice to hear that everything has been checked out thoroughly........

    no matter how strange the pattern of winners....

    all is well with the world and i don't need my tin foil hat :)


  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Sat, Jul 7 2012 9:36 AM

    With any luck it's all part of an elaborate sting operation by WGT.  Then again, maybe not....

    Whatever the case, something sure seems rotten in Denmark.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Jul 7 2012 5:32 PM


    With any luck it's all part of an elaborate sting operation by WGT.  Then again, maybe not....

    Whatever the case, something sure seems rotten in Denmark.

    agreed lol

    some of them gift card winners look real dodgey to those who play this game but seemed to have passed whatever checks wgt carry out rofl.

    how can uk airport customs not be as relaxed as wgt ? we'd all be able just to steer 10 bulging trollies straight through "nothing to declare" without them batting an eyelid at the contraban and smiling whilst waving us through or helping us to push the trolleys.

    seems Sam snuck in at the end as usual lol.....great result.



  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 10:01 AM



    So, there is no issue that the Pro Tier winner did not play from 2.29.12 to 7.01.12, had a 67+ average going into this tourney, had NEVER shot below 30 or 60 in any other stroke play competition and just showed up to shoot a sub-60 at one of the hardest courses to win a $100 gift card?  For the record, prior to this he had gone from Dec to Feb without playing, then showed up to place 2nd in the Feb Pro Tier Open, winning a cool 5k credits.

    No issue that the Tour Pro tier winner hadn't played from 2.24.12 to 7.01.12, had a 67+ average going into this tourney, had NEVER shot below 30 or 60 in any other stroke play competition and just showed up to shoot a sub-60 at one of the hardest courses to win a $100 gift card?

    No issue that the Master tier winner had not played (stroke play) from 3.17.12 to 7.01.12, had a 68+ average going into this tourney, had NEVER shot a round below 30 or 60 in any other stroke play competition and just showed up to shoot a sub-60 at one of the hardest courses and win a $100 gift card?

    By the way, not one of the above players posted multiple scores in this tourney, so they all just restarted the 1000s of times it would take for someone who had never shot below 60 and who hadn't played in months to shoot a sub-60 at Congressional as their only score in the tourney and win it.


    Here I am wondering why I follow the rules, and wondering what it takes to launch a criminal fraud investigation.  Here is what I will say:  To those I named above with WGT in their names... Reach with both hands as far as you can up your own colon, grab your ears, and pull down hard.  You should hear and feel a distinct popping when your head is freed, and then MAYBE you can see what is going on here clearly.

    For the record, two of the 'winners' above are members of my country club, something that I am somewhat ashamed of and is having me reconsider my choice of CCs.

  • oilyrag
    875 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 11:47 AM


    you only pointed out the 3 winners, look further