mantis0014: Yes I know about putting does not affect the ball life.... just saying though, the bug in the Nation comp... could there be a bug in stroke play greens too....lol
Yes, probably is. We would not notice...
There is some threads about people suspect the balls life got shorter though, maybe WGT just removed the "do not affect ball life" function on all greens all the time, expecting no one would notice. No one would be surprised...
As I had a ball almost at the end of its life, ie well into the red section, I thought I'd do a little experiment to see if this was happening or not. So I went out on St Andys, got to the green, then putted around til reaching maximum shots, at 10 or 11. Got as far as the 6th fairway before the ball died and was replaced, which is about what I expected, however, I managed to get in 41 putts as well.
My conclusion therefore, is that this 'fault' is only effecting the putting comp, and NOT normal play.