"Lots and lots" is not everyone - and there's no need to get personal. Bad form when you want help and get constructive feedback.
If you search the forums, you will find 103 pages of complaints about this problem. That`s 1,030 complaints total and counting. The it`s our computer, or browser, or internet provider excuse, has really gotten old. It`s the same excuse given for the swing meter problems and everything else as well. WGT, spends more time trying to dodge fixing the problems than doing anything else. It`s very simple, FIX THE PROBLEMS, with game performance. Just that simple.
1,030 people logging complaints is still NOT EVERYONE. 1,030 people isn't likely to be much more than 5% (if that) of the active WGT players.
Likely what else you've missed is that a significant number of these complaints came shortly after an update to programs used to access the WGT software/code (Adobe, Firefox, likely Chrome sometime down the line).
If a third-party program that WGT uses as a platform releases an update with changes in the way the third party software works, there's a fair chance it will affect the way your browser, your computer AND WGT will work.
Combine that with the overwhelming amount of computer configurations, background software on systems, add-ons and plugins that a user might have in their browser, quite frankly to tell WGT to fix everything is asking an awful lot.
I've determined, for example, that any meter issues I have ever had are related to:
- Internet connection speed/line quality (including ping, latency and jitter)
- Background programs choosing a random moment to grab some CPU and RAM resources
- My laptop fan kicking on when the CPU gets too hot
There may be times that none of these are actual culprits - there may be heavy server loads with WGT, down connections between WGT and my internet provider, forcing a data to be re-routed through different routes.
It's not that simple - Unless you happen to be one of the best computer programmers in the world and can identify that quickly which line of code may be in conflict with the new third party software release or this or that particular anti-virus/spyware/browser add-on.
I don't know cars - I don't tell my mechanic "My car's not working. Just fix it. It's that simple." Report the error, which likely includes enough information for WGT to identify the specific issue at the time it happened and better diagnosis the problem and potential solutions.
By all means, keep lodging complaints on the forum that doesn't give any specific information that might actually help get your problem solved. But keep in mind, insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.