Ok I'm going to try to give my feedback on these awards new and old. Didn't want to start a new thread, lord knows we have enough of them already. So Infinito I apologize if this is highjacking your thread, it's along the same issues I think.
I'll break these down in the sequence in which you guys presented them, so far there has been 3.
First ones, and by far the most logical, but still does have their issues. If they don't get mentioned that means there fine in my view.
Hole-in-Ones and Double Eagles... way too high diamond number... progression of 5/10/15/25/50 would make much more sense.
CTTH Holes outs...again too high... 5/25/50/100/150/250 would be more sensible.
CTTH Accuracy... way way too low... this is one of those where 5000/10000 diamond would have worked.
Sandman... just a touch too high for diamond... 5000 could have been better.
Match Play Wins... another high diamond value... 1/25/100/250/500/1000/1500 makes more sense to me.
That's it for the first installment, on to the second...
Choke, Water boy, Yips... All of these are awards for doing something wrong??
In the Drink... ok in theory, but insanely high diamond number... more like 100 diamond would be fine.
Dance Floor 18... is the same for 9 hole version... if 9 holes is 2000 diamond 18 holes should be 1000 diamond.
Boom Boom, good but give a par 5 version of this also.
Kiawah/Bethpage Hole-in-Ones and Sticks... Mentioned before, but this needs a way to get track where you're at with them.
Ok finally 3rd installment...
Green Thumb, Straight Shooter, In the Cup, Pars made... These are all stats not awards. Already have 100% GIR Award. But what you dont have are 100% Fairways, or 100% Fairways and GIRs.
Get Down... borderline here, but award for being average?
Walk in the Park... this is fine, but is not calculated correctly. I used to play the CTTH quite a bit, and I'm positive I have way more than a little over 200 completed rounds. Heck I had that the first month I did the Coach tourney.
Long/Short Haul... is this just not an extension of the Round and Round award.
Down the Drain... 1 putts are good to award, but way way low value for diamond. This is one where 10000 would have made sense. Also could put Green Thumb and Pars Made at 10000 also.
I know some of these are tailored more to the newer player, but still this is getting cluttered with borderline useless information. IMO, that takes away from the worth of having these at all. They started out great, but the last few versions of these have gotten progressively worse and worse. JMO as always, if you don't like or have a smart reply, well you can go.... ;). Have fun, and still good work WGT, just some constructive criticism.