It is the responsibility of WGT to end those accounts here at WGT. If the accounts appear sufficiently suspect, and these do,
it is the CC Owner's responsibility to not have them in his or her club, particularly since they also MAY compete in CC comps as well. Especially given that WGT doesn't seem willing to uphold their end of the bargain, then it is up to us. My old CC was not willing to take a stand against these types of players, which is their prerogative. It is my prerogative to find a CC that doesn't tolerate multi-accounters or sand-baggers.
You'll note that I made no mention of the name of my old Club, nor will I in the public forums. If asked, I will say that they are a great bunch of guys, but the club owner turns a blind eye to the suspect accounts in the Club. I asked him to remove the accounts, and he said he had no proof. THERE IS NO WAY FOR ANYONE TO PROVE IT. But if it looks like a duck, and smells like a duck, and walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I don't need a g****mn DNA test to know it's a duck. I choose not to be part of a CC that allows ducks.