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Is there a solution for this GAME!

Tue, Jul 10 2012 10:29 PM (10 replies)
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  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2012 1:56 PM

    Sandbaggers, multi-accts, dishonest players! For the last 2-3 yrs we have all heard too many times how these type's have corrupted this great game. So what's the solution?

    As a business man I can understand WGT's silence or non-responsive solutions for this on going dilemma. It may be due too less profit or not enough staff to curb this on going debacle for quite some time.

        So what are the Solutions? My thoughts are, regardless, if you chose to compete honestly or otherwise is two fold.............

    (1) All tournaments (regardless of tier) shall be played from the tips and on Legend green speed.

    (2) Any games played for monetary purpose (regardless of tier) shall be played from the tips and Legend green speed.

    Although this would decrease revenue (heaven forbid) for awhile to keep the INTEGRITY of this game which has gone south (really south) in the last year,,imo..

    Just my thoughts... I know these will go on to deaf ears as do so many other threads on this subject............thanx for your time.......David 




  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2012 3:39 PM

    Although this would decrease revenue (heaven forbid) for awhile to keep the INTEGRITY of this game which has gone south (really south) in the last year,,imo..


    And, if I might add as a fellow business man, WGT seems to make the proper noises, but rarely puts "Integrity" over profit. As with most businesses, the ultimate result lies in satisfying your customer base. Your customers have no loyalty, and will only stick around 'til a better deal appears. Word to WGT. "Stay on your toes".


  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2012 3:51 PM


    And, if I might add as a fellow business man, WGT seems to make the proper noises, but rarely puts "Integrity" over profit. As with most businesses, the ultimate result lies in satisfying your customer base. Your customers have no loyalty, and will only stick around 'til a better deal appears. Word to WGT. "Stay on your toes".


    Amen to that .. is it only me, or has the WGT mods been quiet lately ?

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2012 4:42 PM


    Sandbaggers, multi-accts, dishonest players! For the last 2-3 yrs we have all heard too many times how these type's have corrupted this great game. So what's the solution?

    As a business man I can understand WGT's silence or non-responsive solutions for this on going dilemma. It may be due too less profit or not enough staff to curb this on going debacle for quite some time.

        So what are the Solutions? My thoughts are, regardless, if you chose to compete honestly or otherwise is two fold.............

    (1) All tournaments (regardless of tier) shall be played from the tips and on Legend green speed.

    (2) Any games played for monetary purpose (regardless of tier) shall be played from the tips and Legend green speed.

    Although this would decrease revenue (heaven forbid) for awhile to keep the INTEGRITY of this game which has gone south (really south) in the last year,,imo..

    Just my thoughts... I know these will go on to deaf ears as do so many other threads on this subject............thanx for your time.......David 


     Does this plan take into account the many who can not or will not play for credits?

    Yeah, I didn't think so.  Your nickle.


  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2012 5:29 PM


    Sandbaggers, multi-accts, dishonest players! For the last 2-3 yrs we have all heard too many times how these type's have corrupted this great game. So what's the solution?

    As a business man I can understand WGT's silence or non-responsive solutions for this on going dilemma. It may be due too less profit or not enough staff to curb this on going debacle for quite some time.

        So what are the Solutions? My thoughts are, regardless, if you chose to compete honestly or otherwise is two fold.............

    (1) All tournaments (regardless of tier) shall be played from the tips and on Legend green speed.

    (2) Any games played for monetary purpose (regardless of tier) shall be played from the tips and Legend green speed.

    Although this would decrease revenue (heaven forbid) for awhile to keep the INTEGRITY of this game which has gone south (really south) in the last year,,imo..

    Just my thoughts... I know these will go on to deaf ears as do so many other threads on this subject............thanx for your time.......David 




    David! Where have you been my friend.....

  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2012 5:55 PM

    Amen to that .. is it only me, or has the WGT mods been quiet lately

    Well now, I'm not too sure about the Mods,but they appear to have been censoring certain players in the forums for reasons one can only guess at, as in taking Esssy's crayons away. Not too happy about that. Mio has been censored and banned for a time for nothing more than trying to help improve this site. Certain posts have been locked and or deleted as I'm thinking this one might, but, my thought is WGT may want to reconsider it's priorities. Seriously WGT, do you want people who care about the game, have a few morals to spare, believe in fair play, and come here to have a good time to visit this site, or would you rather prostitute yourselves as your current business trend is showing. Just a thought, but you guys should really clean up your act.


  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2012 7:33 PM

    If it is not the bottom line then why do they appear to do nothing about sand baggers and other ner- do- wells. It has to be the money.

  • MBaggese
    15,372 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2012 8:02 PM


    (1) All tournaments (regardless of tier) shall be played from the tips and on Legend green speed.

    (2) Any games played for monetary purpose (regardless of tier) shall be played from the tips and Legend green speed.

    I'd just add my thought and change from the just the same tees, same with green speeds...just agree (in MP or Skins)...players can agree on which ones;)


    Tourneys...let WGT decide green speed for all...and select Tees to use.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2012 8:10 PM



    (1) All tournaments (regardless of tier) shall be played from the tips and on Legend green speed.

    (2) Any games played for monetary purpose (regardless of tier) shall be played from the tips and Legend green speed.

    I'd just add my thought and change from the just the same tees, same with green speeds...just agree (in MP or Skins)...players can agree on which ones;)


    Tourneys...let WGT decide green speed for all...and select Tees to use.

    A very simple solution said yet again.  Thank you MBaggese.  Your pocket change this time.

  • MBaggese
    15,372 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2012 8:25 PM

    No doubt Lee..not my idea but one I agree with!

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