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Country Clubs - A good idea???

Mon, May 10 2010 9:14 AM (24 replies)
  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, May 8 2010 6:54 PM

    Got this message yesterday from my buddy Mr.Avatar, he's ticked about Country Clubs!

    Hey Andy!
    I was hanging around the site yesterday, reading posts, and saw this new Country Club thing and went to look 'em over.  Saw the O Canada site, "Hey ya hosers....the two months of bad sledding will be over soon.."  funny stuff for sure, but I ain't a Canadian and Elsinore give me gas ya know what I mean, eh? LOL

    So I go thru the list and not finding much interesting until I come across this $nob Hill country club Damn! Check it out dude!  They're loaded!!  There clubhouse looks bigger than my high school for Pete's sake!  I'll betcha their meters are smooth and they got clubs we can't buy.

    So, I go to click the button to join up and it says, "Don't even think about requesting membership"  Nah, they can't mean me, Mr.Avatar, hell they know me, I'm a celebrity around here.  So I clicked the button and got the little "your request has been sent" window.

    I'm in buddy!  And don't worry bud, I'll take care of ya and get them to send ya an invite.

    Whoo Hooo, $nob Hill here I come!!!

    Catch ya later,



    Not 10 minutes later, another message from Mr. Avatar.





    $%&# 'em!!!  Got this e-mail from them snobs!


    Probly cuz I've been wearing the same pants for 23 months now..


    I'm done with country clubs!!


  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sat, May 8 2010 7:15 PM

    Ah, the beauty part about the CCs is, not all CCs has all the good players. It's a mix and match of player's.

    It should be a very interesting venture when WGT has the CCs, and all they have in store for them in place. Stay tuned.

    *edit: Andy, strange post.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, May 8 2010 7:30 PM

    Neener, neener.  My country club can beat your country club!

    Yeah but meet us at the 19th hole and we'll show you what a real CC does.  :-D

  • lilrob88
    870 Posts
    Sat, May 8 2010 7:30 PM

    elite clubs?

    ive looked through them all. Didn't see a one that i would consider "elite"


  • smason77
    464 Posts
    Sat, May 8 2010 8:16 PM


    I can see this not being a very good idea. One of the great things about WGT is the community. All I can see these Country Clubs doing, unless you can join multiple clubs, is splitting the community up into cliques.

    I've spent most of my life avoiding this and trying to mix with as many different people as possible, time allowing.

    That was my initial and intuitive conclusion as well.

    Hasn't changed. Nothing compelling. WGT's favorite word is "wait".

    I hate cliques. That's why I hated High School. It appears WGT is trying to appeal to the younger crowd. People who probably only visited a "country club" on their daddy's account to go swimming or lay in a tanning bed. Or get a free meal.

    It's silly. It truly is.


  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Sun, May 9 2010 7:22 AM

    Smason77, it may turn out you are right ...I've played over 200 people in Match Play Challenges and I'll tell you it's one of the things I like best about WGT .. meeting / playing new people.

    But there is a huge plus if you hook up with a bunch of guys/girls you enjoy playing with in a country club .. and have a way to communicate and set up matches easily ... I'm pretty sure people won't experience people quitting any longer.    Add to it a way to set up country club specific tournaments and ... i think they are on to something.

    Just my thoughts ... as I said before I'll wait to see how it plays out before I assume it will be a bad thing.

  • AtlantaCoaster
    645 Posts
    Sun, May 9 2010 7:46 AM

    As the owner of 1 Putters and Par Breakers Country Club, I would like to add my 2 cents.  This is MY view - I am tolerant of others to differ.

    My Country Club is INTENTIONALLY geared towards no-pressure with regard to "cliques", politics, "loyalty" or the rest of it.

    I have set it up because I THINK I can do some fun things and run some fun tournaments for my Members.  I want my members to belong to it because they WANT TO and it is ENHANCING their WGT experience...and to NOT "limit" anyone in any way by "only playing amongst ourselves" or anything like that.

    I will say that in the few days since I set up the Country Club, my overall WGT habits have NOT changed.  I have played a few rounds with various club members - and others I have not (though ALL I have played with and had a pleasant experience on at least one prior occasion).

    I FIND MYSELF mixing my Multi-Player rounds up with the "General WGT Population" (including members of other clubs) as much as I am playing with my own club members.

    I don't WANT a "limiting" experience due to Country Clubs - only an "enhanced" and beneficial experience for both myself and my members.  SO FAR, this is true.

    I will never be offended or angry etc if a Club Member wants to join or try out a different club because it MIGHT BE a different/better "fit" for them.  I will STILL remain "WGT Friends" with the person and will continue to play with them from time to time, as we all do.

    Case in point - I have extended some invitations that were declined by "WGT Friends" because they had already joined (or wanted to join) a different club OR start one of their own.  THAT IS FINE - it is making WGT a more interesting place to have everyone INVOLVED....and to those who "Declined" my invite - I will certainly play with them again and again.  For me it is NOT a "political" thing.

    I would hope many others have a relaxed and flexible view towards it as well - but again - it is up to each individual to Lead and set the Tone for their individual clubs.

    Best Regards,  AtlantaCoaster

    P.S.  Has anyone else noticed "WGTniv's Fortress of Solitude" with Himself AND Himself as the sole members?  I LOLOL when I saw this.

  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Sun, May 9 2010 10:08 AM

    "WGTniv's Fortress of Solitude: from what I hear he is going to get his pony in there soon AC LOL.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sun, May 9 2010 10:24 AM

    Let's see... 15 people max.. that leaves room for Nivlac, WGTNiv, his pony, and all 12 of his hammers.

    Yep.. seems about right.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sun, May 9 2010 10:40 AM

    A fortress of solitude? you aren't kidding. I went to check out WGTniv's CC, and this was the message on the front door.  :)

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