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Make spin affect precision more

Sun, Jul 15 2012 5:13 PM (30 replies)
  • pUGfANmn
    436 Posts
    Sat, Jul 14 2012 7:44 PM


    Good thoughts there, Labor. I'm curious as to how they would make it more difficult. Faster greens would be an obvious start but since the yardages of the holes isn't going to change appreciably, if at all, what else would you think would change?

    Planting trees, releasing the Kraken and more quilters in the fariways.  Oh, and the gopher from Caddyshack.

  • dflop
    1,877 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 1:04 AM

    It is WGT that is changing our game, not me. What do you think next generation clubs will be like? Or do you think WGT will lose interest in the shop?

    Yeah but complaining about every trivial thing don't help , maybe just kick back and enjoy the game until you get to the stage like thebigeasy, it is obvous tbe is a great player who has the feeling like he is throwing darts ( which he has previously stated ) and then a change in the game is warranted .

    I sure wold like to play the game until i got to that stage where i am ready for any changes , and Tightrope you are on quite a low level to be bored , maybe you should go and try bingo , space invaders , pac man , or even pin the tail on the donkey , now that would be a nice change and stop trying to provoke something that you yourself are quite frankly not ready for !

     . thank you ,  ....  dflop  !


  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 5:26 AM


    Yeah but complaining about every trivial thing don't help 

    Complaining on people making is helping, you think? You sure have issues, man. Funny though that you try to steer me into playing old arcade games instead of WGT just because I want this golf game to be more realistic or at least have more variables that makes the decision making a bit more interesting. If you find that WGT is already taxing your resources, maybe you should follow your own advice?

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 9:09 AM

    I want this golf game to be more realistic or at least have more variables that makes the decision making a bit more interesting. If you find that WGT is already taxing your resources, maybe you should follow your own advice?

    I think dflop's point was that until you get to the point where you're not challenged by the existing variables, lobbying for more "real" factors seems a bit premature. He is still challenged, by his own admission, and wants to play that way for as long as he remains challenged. You have a long way to go to get there too, just as I do. This assumes you yourself aren't bored yet. I know I'm not.

    Your thinking is good and your ideas have merit. Sometimes they just look like complaints.

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 9:31 AM

    Your thinking is good and your ideas have merit. Sometimes they just look like complaints.

    It looks like that for anyone that is satisfied with it the way it is, that is the way it is. Complaining about people having suggestion is pretty pointless though, much better would be to have a discussion. 

    On the topic of challenges, yes, I am far from perfect in this game, but the main challenge is to hit the actual ding. That is also the part that has absolutely nothing to do with real golf. Therefore I would welcome challenges in another nature. I do not ask anyone to agree with me, everyone is their own.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 11:15 AM

    but the main challenge is to hit the actual ding.

    This might be the literal physical challenge but I would tend to disagree with it being the main challenge. I'm sure you've seen the comments about hitting the ding not always being as successful as just missing it on the favorable wind side. It isn't totally necessary to hit it to have a good result. Therefore, for me, the challenge becomes maximizing the odds in  actual circumstances you're in.

    Putting aside, it's somewhat unreasonable to think that every shot you take is going to go exactly where you want. You're going to be in a certain area. From there you have to get to the next "area" which usually puts the putter in your hands. That's the challenge-finding these areas and getting there, setting yourself up for what it always comes down to-putting.

    Work within the ranges of expected results. Maximize each opportunity. That's the real challenge for me.

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 12:09 PM


    That's the challenge-finding these areas and getting there, setting yourself up for what it always comes down to-putting.

    Very true Jim.  There are certain holes where the smart play is not to try to land right at the hole unless you can guarantee hitting the ding, which I doubt anyone can.

    Sometimes landing (for example) a yard left of the flag will almost guarantee a bogie whereas landing 5 yards right of it will leave an easy putt.  These are purely example figures, no particular hole in mind here.  In situations like that the safest option is to try to land 2-3 yards right of the flag, if you miss the ding early you may be very close to the hole, if you miss late you'll still have a reasonable birdie chance.  Hit the ding and you'll be in pretty safe 1 putt territory.

    And I was pleased to see you confirm my belief that backspin increases deviation when you miss the ding.

  • dflop
    1,877 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 1:18 PM

    I think dflop's point was that until you get to the point where you're not challenged by the existing variables, lobbying for more "real" factors seems a bit premature.

      Yes this is that i was getting at  , and i still very much enjoy the game .  And if changes do come then i will just try my best to adjust , until that time i am happy with how it is  !

    Your thinking is good and your ideas have merit. Sometimes they just look like complaints.

    I am sorry if i come over in the wrong manner Tightrope , your ideas as jim says have merit  !   ....    BTW what's wrong with space invaders & pac man  !   lol    :  )


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 2:36 PM

    BTW what's wrong with space invaders

    LMAO. I don't want to remember how many quarters went in the slot when that first hit the scene.  :-D