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Make spin affect precision more

Sun, Jul 15 2012 5:13 PM (30 replies)
  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Fri, Jul 13 2012 5:08 AM

    I think it has become a bit too easy to just drop the ball dead with the new equipment so I thought maybe it should be considered to make the spin affect the precision/forgiveness of the club, so that adding spin also add risk. Something like in the image below.

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Fri, Jul 13 2012 5:13 AM

    I'm not sure but I think using backspin already makes missed ding shots deviate more than if you use no spin.

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Fri, Jul 13 2012 5:15 AM


    I'm not sure but I think using backspin already makes missed ding shots deviate more than if you use no spin.

    Yes, because they take more wind, specially if it is head wind, but that is not the same thing.

  • lonnieskinner
    1,677 Posts
    Fri, Jul 13 2012 5:23 AM

    Please leave my spin alone. Thank you!

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Fri, Jul 13 2012 5:36 AM

    Those images will hardly make much difference, most of us only miss ding by a fraction any way, or 1 cm MAX, so looking at the 2 images it wont make much difference unless you make a massive slice or get a meter pause/skip.

    And yes, leave spin alone. Its the clubs which are too precise not spin, even with top spin or NO SPIN i can land within 2 yards on all irons (spin just makes it a touch easier) WGT introduced the R11's and Nike's and i don't see them taken away now we all have them, but 1 option would be maybe have 3/4 spin only on 3 and 4 irons. this would give a more realistic "follow through" on shots

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Fri, Jul 13 2012 8:03 AM

    Those images will hardly make much difference

    It just an example, but if it would be as in the image, a miss by 1 unit will equal a miss by two units without spin. 3 units equals 6. It would make it more risky to use a lot of spin.

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Fri, Jul 13 2012 9:25 AM

    Instead of messing with the spin, lets add HOW my feet are resting on the fairway... 

  • labordayk
    389 Posts
    Fri, Jul 13 2012 10:56 AM

    I like the game the way it is.

    Maybe, after I've been Legend for a couple of years, know the R11s well enough to get within 2 yards on every iron shot no matter the spin, can skate the Champ greens like Peggy Flemming........if it's too easy then, I'll use the Starters.

    If you want a tougher game, no one's making you use R11s and Nike balls.

    One of the nice things about the R11s, is I can use the Srixon balls and still have pretty good control.  Saves 50% off the Nikes.

    Anyways, now that I'm at the tips with good equipment, I'd like the chance to learn the game as it is.

    Change your own game, don't change mine.

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Fri, Jul 13 2012 11:44 AM

    Change your own game, don't change mine.

    It is WGT that is changing our game, not me. What do you think next generation clubs will be like? Or do you think WGT will lose interest in the shop?

  • labordayk
    389 Posts
    Fri, Jul 13 2012 12:53 PM


    Change your own game, don't change mine.

    It is WGT that is changing our game, not me. What do you hunk next generation clubs will be like? Or do you think WGT will lose interest in the shop?

    Hunka, hunka burnin' clubs?


    Anyways, if I don't buy the clubs, they won't effect my game.

    And it's not WGT, but you who are proposing changes that could severely alter the way I play the game.

    As Chris said, it wouldn't effect those who consistently hit the ding, but for those of us who play off ding, it might be a huge change.