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Green Speed

Wed, Jul 18 2012 10:11 PM (3 replies)
  • TarheelsRule
    5,611 Posts
    Mon, Jul 16 2012 1:14 PM

    I think that everyone knows the variety of green speeds on WGT.

    We have slow, standard, fast, very fast, tournament (master), tournament (legend) and championship.

    When you play blitz, ready go's, etc. the green speed is selected for you.  I have no issue with that in fact I enjoy it.  However can WGT not define which of the two tournament green speeds are being used, in fact why are they both called tournament.

    it is frustrating to be playing and leave a couple of putts 3 inches short and finally figure out well this must be the slower of the two tournament speeds.  i realize that there is only 5% difference but on a 30 footer that can be significant.

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Mon, Jul 16 2012 6:43 PM

    Based on some experimenting, I think that RG and WGT sponsored tournaments suxh as the WGT Congressional Championship are (Legend) tournament greens. Other companies sponsoring tournaments such as the Sun Safe Classics and the NKF Cadillac Golf Classics are (Tour Master) tournament greens.

    This is just my thought. I agree that there should be some sort of way to differentiate between the two.

  • Spammage
    694 Posts
    Mon, Jul 16 2012 10:17 PM


    Based on some experimenting, I think that RG and WGT sponsored tournaments suxh as the WGT Congressional Championship are (Legend) tournament greens. 

    Nope - they will occasionally throw in the TM tourney speed in the RG tourney's.  There was an Oakmont 18 hole $2.00 RG (in May I think) that had them.  Took me about 3 holes to figure it out and another 4 holes to trust it though with those Oakmont greens. :)

  • TarheelsRule
    5,611 Posts
    Wed, Jul 18 2012 10:11 PM

    That is sort of my point Spam......

    Since the difference is only 5% you can go 3 or 4 holes and not realize it, especially if you happen to have short putts.  Then you get a 50 footer and leave it 3 feet short because it isn't Legend tournament speed.

    They seem to have this in all the tournaments, I don't understand why they can't just tell you which version they are using or just name it something different.