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My .02 =)

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Thu, Jul 19 2012 9:54 PM (2 replies)
  • pukiebear
    72 Posts
    Thu, Jul 19 2012 9:17 PM

    I know I'm a newb, but my thoughts/ideas probably aren't.  I'm sure they've been mentioned 1000x times.  With that disclaimer out of the way, here's what I'd like to see added/included/changed in the game.  

    - Practice putting green:  I've heard some say that this would not be much of a benefit, but I disagree; at least in my case.  I'd love to be able to practice putting for distance with putts that have more than one break in them.  Especially uphill.  I think it would help my game immensely.

    - Open up ALL course for 18 hole stroke play:  I'm not sure why I can't play 18 at Pebble Beach.  (Licensing maybe?)  It appears that the game's infrastructure is already set up for this, so why not open all courses up completely?  I wouldn't even mind a steep green fee for the more epic courses.  

    - Add 5 balls to a sleeve:  Either that, or make the current sleeves more durable and/or cheaper.  The cost of golf balls is disproportional to what they cost IRL.  For that kind of money, they should either last longer or include more with a purchase.

    - Mulligans for practice rounds:  This may be tougher to code into the games mechanics, but I would love to be able to have a 2nd chance at that 20ft putt that I completely mis-read. (especially since there's no putting green =) ).    This would also help me to judge the distance of my clubs for specific holes.  After all, it's just a practice round, so why not?  

    As previously mentioned, I'm sure none of these are new ideas, but since I'm a newb, I thought there'd be no harm in bringing them up again.  Thanks for reading.

  • dario2589
    202 Posts
    Thu, Jul 19 2012 9:34 PM


     I'm sure they've been mentioned 1000x times.


    1001 now and counting...

  • ljbast
    943 Posts
    Thu, Jul 19 2012 9:54 PM

    Add 5 balls to a sleeve:  Either that, or make the current sleeves more durable and/or cheaper.

      I like that idea, add 5 balls to a sleeve of 3. 8 balls a sleeve. Although, I think they might charge a bit more for a sleeve then.