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Driving Range and Putting Green

rated by 0 users
Sat, Jul 21 2012 6:28 AM (10 replies)
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  • PDDispatcher
    59 Posts
    Fri, Jul 20 2012 7:53 AM

    I'm sure this subject has been brought up a million times, so excuse me for not finding the answer.  I've read before there was a putting green and driving range in the works.  True or false?  And if true, any idea how long before we can expect to see it?  I, for one, really need a putting green.  I seem to be able to read everything one day, the next, I'm terrible.  I've learned how to use the clubs and distance control from moderators and players alike and I've pretty much got that down.  But I putt like garbage on certain days and basically begging for something that I can use to make my game better.  BTW, I work for a PD and have already introduced 4 new players to this game.  

  • LeonDelBosque
    1,551 Posts
    Fri, Jul 20 2012 8:13 AM

    Try typing "driving range" in the search box. or maybe you couldn't find anything because you got 14 billion matches and the servers exploded.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Fri, Jul 20 2012 8:23 AM

    The putting green(s) already exist. Use the 10 shots WGT gives you to putt around on any and all greens, from all courses. This is why a putting green or driving range isn't necessary.

    Putting is a very difficult part of the game and takes a lot of skill to master. Everyone goes through days when nothing drops, we just have to take the good with the bad.

    Like Leon said, the "search box" will yield a million and one threads about the putting green issue.


    Happy putting!

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Fri, Jul 20 2012 8:39 AM


    Player Suggestion List - Check here before posting new


    Look at #1 on the list. No search is even necessary. WGT has provided this list right at the top of this product suggestion area of this forum. Note the "Check here before posting new"  directions.

  • WGTadmin2
    1,152 Posts
    Fri, Jul 20 2012 10:13 AM

    PDD thanks for posting - you are correct it would be a great feature.  

    take care

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Fri, Jul 20 2012 10:23 AM

    PDD thanks for posting - you are correct it would be a great feature.

    Now wait a minute. After all of the countless threads new players have posted about the putting green and driving range issue, your going to all of sudden, some two years later, out of the blue, say that's a good idea. After everyone and their brother has said WGT (WGTalex, WGTicon) wouldn't ever implement a driving range and/or a putting green?

    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Jul 20 2012 10:27 AM

    PDD thanks for posting - you are correct it would be a great feature.  


    I LOL to that.


    25 Posts
    Fri, Jul 20 2012 12:01 PM


    I'm sure this subject has been brought up a million times, so excuse me for not finding the answer.  I've read before there was a putting green and driving range in the works.  True or false?  And if true, any idea how long before we can expect to see it?  I, for one, really need a putting green.  I seem to be able to read everything one day, the next, I'm terrible.  I've learned how to use the clubs and distance control from moderators and players alike and I've pretty much got that down.  But I putt like garbage on certain days and basically begging for something that I can use to make my game better.  BTW, I work for a PD and have already introduced 4 new players to this game.  

    you spelled million wrong.  its spelled billion

  • dario2589
    202 Posts
    Fri, Jul 20 2012 3:46 PM


    PDD thanks for posting - you are correct it would be a great feature.

    Now wait a minute. After all of the countless threads new players have posted about the putting green and driving range issue, your going to all of sudden, some two years later, out of the blue, say that's a good idea. After everyone and their brother has said WGT (WGTalex, WGTicon) wouldn't ever implement a driving range and/or a putting green?

    admin trolling hard? lol

  • PDDispatcher
    59 Posts
    Sat, Jul 21 2012 5:57 AM

    I was only asking because I'm kinda tired of chipping in or striking a 5 iron from 185 yards, only to have it drop.  It's embarrassing in a way.  Out of the 521 rounds I've played, I've had to putt three times.  And once, I even two putted.  I'll just keep dropping them with the irons I guess.  It's ok but................................................( ducking bottles and flying clubs )

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