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Stepping up from free event to Ready Go credit events

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Fri, Jul 27 2012 12:36 AM (11 replies)
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  • Alan_M
    237 Posts
    Fri, Jul 20 2012 1:03 PM

    I'm a L68 Master with decent equipment. I've got an average int he mid 60's and figured It's time I actually started to try some of the Ready Go's. I play credit Bltiz, Matchplay and Skins and I'm quite happy playing for credits. After all it's not real money to me - I've never paid anything to play this game - just earned it all from video's, surveys and winning it in play. It's just a "score" to me.

    I'll be sensible to start with and choose nothing over 200 credits and will play courses I know. 


    So today I started with St Andrews. I've played this probably more than any other course on here, I know which of the pin I need to be and many of the nuances of the fairways.


    I tee up, fire off a drive, then a nice approach shot. everything is normal.

    My first putt is 8.4ft from the pin 1in up. Greens are tourney - I'm used to these now, they are a bit speedy and you have to be careful. I give my 8.4ft put about 8ft...ding's short by quite a bit.    Eh? I thought this was tourney speed...Oh well, tap in Par. On tot he next.


    Drive off down the middle, approach shot into 2 a little left, leaving me a 20 ft putt. This green is tough, however I didn't expect it to be this tough - I 5 putt! Struggling to get within 10ft of the hole each putt - it's like crazy golf.

    I plod on like this for hole after hole, even get a few birdies to bring me back to level par by the 9th, all of these from putting the ball stone dead into the stick. Then it gets worse and worse and by the 15 th I'm so disgusted with the score I withdraw.


    So question. 


    Are the parameters of the game different in the credit tourneys to the free ones as it felt like I was playing completely different software?

    Are the tolerances tighter? Is it less forgiving in general?

    Are tourney credit greens different to tourney free game greens?


    Just curious what other people find, as in this particular event I found the greens unplayable or maybe I don't have the skill to play at this level?

    It threw me a bit as it's not something I've encountered before.

  • MBaggese
    15,372 Posts
    Fri, Jul 20 2012 5:18 PM


    Are the parameters of the game different in the credit tourneys to the free ones as it felt like I was playing completely different software?

    Are the tolerances tighter? Is it less forgiving in general?

    Are tourney credit greens different to tourney free game greens?

    I often feel RG parameters are tighter than CC Tourney's...I don't play many of the free weeklies anymore...but I know of what you speak.

    Regarding greens, you might be seeing differences in TM vs Legend Tourney greens...maybe play some AS with Legends and see if you can pick up on the differences.

  • Alan_M
    237 Posts
    Sat, Jul 21 2012 2:53 AM

    Ahh this is interesting and would also explain the putting woes I had in a Match Play game against a legend.


    I do OK in matchplay but I was trounced by a legend even off back tees, the only difference between us was putting, both our drives and approach shots were good, in fact pretty much identical.

    I thought I was simply not playing well that day but he made a comment that "legend greens are really tough". At the time I didn't think anything of it as I'd assumed "Tournament" speed for greens was standard across the board.

    So what you're saying is "Tournament" Legend (including Ready Go's) and Tournament Master are not the same? That explains a lot.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sat, Jul 21 2012 5:26 AM


    So what you're saying is "Tournament" Legend (including Ready Go's) and Tournament Master are not the same? That explains a lot.

    There are two types of Tournament greens without notice by the site, differing by 7.5 % in speed, and of course in slope&break reaktion.

    It's safe to say that you'll have Legend greens when playing with/against a Legend in ranked strokeplay or rated matchplay/AS. In tourneys, including RGs, and other games it may vary.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sat, Jul 21 2012 9:30 AM

    While there are 2 separate green speeds (for tour masters/legends) the other settings are the same; such as the way break works, lip-out work, etc....


  • Alan_M
    237 Posts
    Sat, Jul 21 2012 9:37 AM

    Well, it was a 200 credit for me that "Tournament" speed is not the same across the board.

    I guess I need to find some friendly legends to play so I can learn the green speeds.

    I was getting really frustrated playing the RG hitting putts that I know should have dropped to find them way way outside the usual parameters.

    Another thing to add to the to do list.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,588 Posts
    Sat, Jul 21 2012 3:57 PM

    a polite suggestion Alan, if u want to compete in RG's then as soon as you can , upgrade your wedges to top level, good investment imho

  • Alan_M
    237 Posts
    Sat, Jul 21 2012 4:48 PM

    Yup, wedges are next on the list, very happy with the Clevelands, I just need the higher level clubs for the accuracy they add and that little extra distance.

  • TonyTurbo78
    340 Posts
    Mon, Jul 23 2012 9:20 AM

    a tip that might be helpful to you which I still do to this day.  Every time the rotation of RG's comes around, pick a couple that suits your game, ones your fairly confident on and keep playing the same RG.  Believe me, after a month of the same course, you'll be able to play every shot with your eyes closed.  You'll know which holes to hit to certain spots for good putts, you'll learn which holes dont play the advertised yardage and you'll also learn them very well for future ranked rounds.  I would suggest picking only 2 to start with and go with either low or moderate wind.  Forget the high wind for now, that'll come later when you have your mental toughness for RG's sorted.  


    Kind Regards


  • Alan_M
    237 Posts
    Mon, Jul 23 2012 11:05 AM

    Nice Tip Tony. It was actually why I chose the St Andrews event, I have a reasonable grasp of the course.

    That and Kiawah are probably the two I know best with Royal St George a close third.

    Practice practice a few notes.

    I've decided to wait a few more levels before I attempt the RG's so I can pick up better wedges.

    6 more levels to go.

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