Your decision for determening tee off position by title is unfair. Position should be determined by level because:
During match or skins games for credits an oponent who is higher level has the ability to buy clubs which hit further away even tho hes title is lower and because of the lower title he has a closer tee off position than someone who is lower level but has for example master title.
This way you are making people intentionaly avoid higher titles so they have a 40y advantage during credits play.
This must be fixed by determening tee off position by level or if you dont want to fix it then at least warn people not to play credits games untill they can buy max distance clubs at about level 90.
I am warning all players to not play stroke for higher titles until this is fixed.
The way it is now a player can get to lvl 90 and get the best clubs possible while staying at the lowest title so he has an unbelivable advantage over anyone who got a higher title which is something that some players are doing at the moment and just make a room and wait for a victim.
Seriously every game must have some balance and this system provides no balance to the game what-so-ever.
Hope to hear from someone from the development team soon on this issue.