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fixed the loading

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jul 30 2012 5:55 PM (10 replies)
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  • fastdad
    275 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2012 6:30 PM

    they need to fix their loading before the game starts.

    You need to watch this advertisement an the loading is so slow

    and when you go check your messages, you have to sign back in .

    Has this happened to anybody

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2012 8:59 PM


    they need to fix their loading before the game starts.

    You need to watch this advertisement an the loading is so slow

    and when you go check your messages, you have to sign back in .

    Has this happened to anybody


    it seems it happens when cookies get corrupted. I recommend clearing cookies/temp files for both browser and flash and see if that helps.



  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2012 9:16 PM

    it actually does, i changed golf balls today

    meter was real bad

    cleared em up and the meter is back to normal


  • gully69
    122 Posts
    Fri, Jul 27 2012 3:07 AM

    I've been getting disconnected and had slow load since their last maintanence .I've uninstalled reinstalled flash changed browsers cleared everything and added 2 gig but still no good.At the moment this site is a waste of time so i'm off

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Jul 27 2012 3:13 AM



    they need to fix their loading before the game starts.

    You need to watch this advertisement an the loading is so slow

    and when you go check your messages, you have to sign back in .

    Has this happened to anybody


    it seems it happens when cookies get corrupted. I recommend clearing cookies/temp files for both browser and flash and see if that helps.



    helps most things.....especially what the OP is experiencing.


  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Fri, Jul 27 2012 5:30 AM

    Yes. Lambert suffers daily the jingly troika of getting nowhere on an ice block.


    Lizzie xx

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Fri, Jul 27 2012 5:32 AM

    For a moment, I mis- read the OP name as Fratdad. Now that would have been a good name for a movie starring Linders Lohan and Ettiene Escobar.


    Lizzie xx

  • JoshuaHay23
    83 Posts
    Fri, Jul 27 2012 8:43 AM

    how do you do that?? I'm using safari and i can't even count how many times the last few days my loading time has taken close to five minutes.. sometimes it won't even load.. took me a half hour just to get the game client screen to load last night

  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Fri, Jul 27 2012 3:05 PM

    That solution is sure a lot of hassle to just play a game, especially if you play a lot a day. I mean if you have cookies corrupted every single new game, then that is a hassle. If you have log out and log back in more than twice a day, then that is bad. I personally don't have this problem, but I sure would be ticked if I finished a game and started a new one and it would not load fast, then I would be ticked to do that solution for it.

    5,835 Posts
    Sun, Jul 29 2012 5:44 PM

    how do you do that??


    Safari is not ideal for this game.

    Try Google Chrome or Comodo Dragon.

    However,  click anywhere ion Safari while it is open, title bar, blank area on a page... (Make sure it is in focus) ...try pressing CTRL/ ALT & DEL, this should bring up a local storage panel and allow you to delete Cookies/ Cache/ History etc.
    Clear it all before logging in.

    (If that doesnt work, there will be the option within your Safari 'Tools' or 'Options' area.

    Also AFTER you have done that go here:

    and look in 'Website Storage Settings Panel"  if it is empty, then the CTRL/ALT & DEL emptied it, if it isnt empty then chose 'Delete all sites'.

    While you are in that panel, bump the slider up to 'Unlimited'.

    Good luck.

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