LOL before when a tour pro et al won a gift card everyone said CHEATER... ironic that when the people who always WIN say .. ohhh.. that figures.. as if they're any different!?
Congrats DanManCan... or is it Dansamcam? I'm confused! :O
(no multi-accounting going on there) cough cough.
Okay Dylyn,
Let me enlighten you a tad.
Those who won this tourney prizes (congratulations, BTW gents) are some of the best players here...and what many have been saying for ages...single play...cream rises to the top.
Now your "cough, cough" insinuation...just ludicrous, if any of the above players in the top 10 had multiple accounts, we'd probably see a few of thos MA's on the leader board...don't ya think?
And even referencing to the obvious MA's that won in the lower tiered tourney last month...mercy...what a shame you'd bring that up with the class of players who placed top 10.