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Weekly Tournaments?

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Mon, Aug 6 2012 11:06 AM (10 replies)
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  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 6:04 AM

    Three of the four are high winds this week as they are every week, is the button broke or is that all your capable of giving us. I'm sick of playing high winds. I feel better now!

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 8:43 AM

    Better than going outside. I hear you can fry eggs on the asphalt!

    p.s i'll mention it :)


  • AGArgent
    343 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 9:24 AM

    Ok, icon, ol'pal, whaddaya know out new pin placements at Kiawah? Gettin' to be close to PGA Campionship time, now ain't it. Very forthcoming then, are they? Just anxious, thass all.

  • AGArgent
    343 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 9:29 AM

    Read " whaddaya know ABOUT". Sorry, I can' type.

  • AGArgent
    343 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 9:31 AM

    See? - "can't type"

  • Cavan01
    138 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 12:08 PM

    Three of the four are high winds this week as they are every week

    I'm sick of playing high winds

    This is from a legend, can you imagine how us lowly Tour Masters feel. We don't face high winds in ranked rounds, it is moderate, so why so many weeklies at high winds. ( I tried to play the 9 hole unlimited at RSG, but 28 to 31 in the face on almost every tee is BS. hishest in a ranked round is 21, low end 14 )

    Many tour masters will likely never advance to legend, so high wind play for most does not need to be learned for purpose of tier advancement.


  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 1:19 PM

    It would be nice if the winds were actually random. By random i mean different for every hole instead of the same old headwinds until par 3's. Just played the weekly 100cr multiround. Heavy winds here as usual on St Andrews. This is what winds i received.

    1st: 27mph headwind  2nd: 30mph headwind  3rd: 23mph headwind  4th: 26mph headwind  5th: 31mph headwind slightly right to left  6th: 27mph right to left  7th: 28mph headwind  8th: 25mph tailwind (it is the par 3 after all)  9th: 28mph headwind

    So for 9 holes i get 6 direct headwinds straight at me. 1 headwind as good as straight at me. 1 crosswind and 1 tailwind on a par 3 that's as useful as chocolate fireguard.

  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 1:33 PM


    Better than going outside. I hear you can fry eggs on the asphalt!

    p.s i'll mention it :)


    You can fry them on the porch here it's so hot. Thank you Icon

  • Cavan01
    138 Posts
    Wed, Aug 1 2012 1:22 PM

    Now being carried over into the monthly tourneys.

    3 of the 4 new for Aug. are high winds, again ranked round conditions for Tour Master is moderate winds, why so many ( now with the new monthly and current wk 31, 6 of 8 ) with heavy/high winds.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2012 4:03 AM

    Heavy winds here as usual on St Andrews. This is what winds i received.

    1st: 27mph headwind  2nd: 30mph headwind  3rd: 23mph headwind  4th: 26mph headwind  5th: 31mph headwind slightly right to left  6th: 27mph right to left  7th: 28mph headwind  8th: 25mph tailwind (it is the par 3 after all)  9th: 28mph headwind

    So for 9 holes i get 6 direct headwinds straight at me. 1 headwind as good as straight at me. 1 crosswind and 1 tailwind on a par 3 that's as useful as chocolate fireguard.


    Except of ##1, 6 and 9 it is as it should in STA with a NNW breeze: ##2 to 7 are in line (old fashioned "out"), #8 is 140° reverted, 9 like #8. #1 is 45° from #2, wind should be from 2 o'clock...

    I'm not saying that WGT follows this path, it's rather like you imply: Make it as difficult as possible.

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