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Client side swing meter

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jul 31 2012 7:09 AM (8 replies)
  • Trombley72
    15 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 3:09 PM

    I have only a small amount of programming knowledge, but from what I understand, the swing meter can be hampered by internet traffic and server slowdowns, etc. 

    Has anyone made the suggestion that the swing meter be programmed for the client side then send the information for the swing to the server? 

    Even if it means that the avatar will complete the animation after the meter has been used would be agreeable to all (I'm assuming) if it was smoother to use.



  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 7:49 PM

    Only if it were that easy. I would suggest reading through the many many posts that already exist to get a better understanding as to why that wont work.

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 8:10 PM

    The meter is running on the client side. The talk about internet connection and WGT server load affecting the meter is a result of the fact the the swing meter can be affected by other parts of the program suddenly springs to action when they are not supposed to, because the whatever it was ordered to do was delayed waiting for data to arrive from server. It will not happen often since the client actually stops communicating when you grab the swing bar.

    In short - the meter is hardly ever affected by the quality of the internet connection.

  • WigerToods2010
    8,448 Posts
    Tue, Jul 31 2012 2:47 AM


    .............the meter is hardly ever affected by the quality of the internet connection.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Jul 31 2012 6:00 AM

    Laugh at yourself mate?

    I second T.

    One of the best meters I had was with the slowest internet connection: ISDN, 64 kBit/s. That's 1/125 or 0.8% of a common 1 MByte connection.

    I suppose that the flash application noticed that bottleneck and perhaps stopped all other activities => meter like a baby butt!

    OTOH, the load times between shots were awful.

  • HDBanger
    348 Posts
    Tue, Jul 31 2012 6:07 AM



    .............the meter is hardly ever affected by the quality of the internet connection.


    +1   Seriously, LOL.. Good one, server load doesn't affect meter, pft made me spit coffee. It affects it more than anything else does.


  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Tue, Jul 31 2012 6:36 AM


    +1   Seriously, LOL.. Good one, server load doesn't affect meter, pft made me spit coffee. It affects it more than anything else does.


    No it does not. Try t for yourself, get a network monitor and start up WGT. Get a friend on Skype or phone to play a multi game with you. Observe the traffic in the monitor and locate which traffic is between your WGT client and the WGT server. Make a shot, make sure you identify the data packages sending the and the return data from the server. Now send some chat data. Identify those packages. Now, grab the swing bar, drag it up a bit,  and ask your friend to bombard you with chat messages, change his WGT online status and so on.

    Notice how silent it is. Nothing at all comes in or goes out. Now release the shot. Notice how it stays silent until you click for the ding. A split second after you clicked all the data rushes in. Al the chat messes, the shot result, everything.

    Do that, then you can LOL at yourself, thinking "how could I believe Internet speed had anything to do with a process that does not communicate with the Internet!" 

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Tue, Jul 31 2012 6:47 AM


    +1   Seriously, LOL.. Good one, server load doesn't affect meter, pft made me spit coffee. It affects it more than anything else does.

    No it does not. Try t for yourself, get a network monitor and start up WGT. Get a friend on Skype or phone to play a multi game with you. Observe the traffic in the monitor and locate which traffic is between your WGT client and the WGT server. Make a shot, make sure you identify the data packages sending the and the return data from the server. Now send some chat data. Identify those packages. Now, grab the swing bar, drag it up a bit,  and ask your friend to bombard you with chat messages, change his WGT online status and so on.

    Notice how silent it is. Nothing at all comes in or goes out. Now release the shot. Notice how it stays silent until you click for the ding. A split second after you clicked all the data rushes in. Al the chat messes, the shot result, everything.

    Do that, then you can LOL at yourself, thinking "how could I believe Internet speed had anything to do with a process that does not communicate with the Internet!" 

  • SOYEL1
    698 Posts
    Tue, Jul 31 2012 7:09 AM

    My opinion, once your client downloads everything it needs from the server, you don't need the connection at all..... for a little time. Flash is responsible for most meter issues(I have them sometimes). I have a better computer with a better connection at home, yet have more problems when I play in that computer than at work. When I play with friends that live in South America, I notice that their loading is slower, but once the wheels stop spinning, they are good to go. Flash does use resources... it chews up a lot of CPU once you start and swing. Having a good computer doesn't guarantee that you will have a good meter. My meter is faster at home than at work. I start pulling shots when I play at work, but my computer at home has better specs. I close everything at home and still get occasional meter stutters, at work, I have to keep like 4 or 5 programs running and yet almost never get meter issues.