There is a guy from down under (you know, Australia) that started a country club called the wedge tailed eagles. It started with 6 member (I was the 6th) and has now grown to 60. There is room for 250 and we would like to recruit new members that are active and like to compete in the cc tournaments that we have. The tournaments are both free and for credit.
In particular, we are looking for members who are friendly, yet competitive. We accept members from all tiers and currently have members from hack to legend. blagoja73 (aka billy) started this club and has since resigned leaving me as the sole owner. WE (and I do mean we as I consider all members to be owners of this cc) encourage our members to not only participate in our tournaments, but encourage our members to create tournaments of their own. We only ask that if you create a tournament you make it fair, that is, no winner takes all tournaments. In this way we don't discourage members who are of lower tiers from participating in our tournaments.
If you are interested in a club like this, shoot me a request. Any questions contact me.
Wedge Tailed Eagles, OUR club, make it yours too. A nice friendly place to play golf.
Thank you