Hey thanks for your reply.
Sometime last summer I started experimenting with different methods to improve play on my machine...
I tried Safari,GameBooster and GoogleChrome.
None of which seemed to help really.
And as a coincidence or not in that timeframe, I evidently picked up a virus from somewhere and a few weeks later my machine was dead. DEAD DEAD. Nothing could save it except a complete rehardware.
(I should have added that at that time I was running no anti virus, no firewall, nothing at all in an attempt to have a better game.I know that many will say that would not have had an impact on play, but they certainly did on that machine, A 1.6 GB with the original vista.
Coincidentally or not as an aside to that, it was about a week or 2 after Vista7 debuted.
Which (of course) (lol) made me wonder if thoses good people at MS sent me a little present.
As far as what I see in sysconfig, I dont have sufficient knowlege to go poking around in there without guidance.