WayanCaDua: Has anyone noticed a complete change in how the meter reacts to a mouse click?
Just a thought: are you using a wireless mouse? If so, it may be battery time. Otherwise, good luck.
I have a corded mouse ... same one that I have been using for months with no problem ... in the last 48 hours the game has become unplayable with the delayed reaction to the mouse click.
Also ... it keeps changing clubs as I move the aiming point ... I have watched it cycle from driver to 9 iron... when I select the club ... and then move the mouse ... it will change the club again ... just before I hit.
I recommend for people that use ball mouses, please get a optical or laser mouse, because they will not have to be cleaned every few hours around the ball, because there is no ball. LOL! If you do have ball mouse from the 80's or 90's, then maybe you need to come to the future of things that work better.
Thanks for the responses folks.
I have an optical USB mouse that is about 2 months old. The game has worked just perfect until 12:30AM today.
Now it is unplayable.
Support told me to watch the "how to hit" tutorial. I was not impressed.
When I told them I am experienced in playing the game they responded with "we are glad you watched the How To Hit tutorial. Please go to the user forums to find help there"
Even less impressed.
Anyway, after spending many thousands of credits, I had hoped for more...I am glad I have you guys to reach out to. I am jonesing for a game big time and it but I cannot play, :-(
Continued suggestions are very welcome!!!