Level52 anybody have suggestions on a set of new clubs. I am thinking R11`s.
Input needed.
Since you have already started off with the R11`s, you may as well follow through. Get the r11 3 wood lvl 30.Due to your wedge choices, it will be useless to get a third wedge. Also get off of the Starter balls. Get some balls with feel , as they will slow the meter down.The more feel, the slower the meter. The videos and surveys, are worth the time as well. I have been playing for little over a year now,and never spent a penny of my own money.All of my upgrades were done through surveys and videos.Take your time enjoy the game and have fun.Hope this helps you out. Happy Swinging. P.S. GET RID OF THAT HYBRID, it`s better to play without it than with it. Seeeeee Yaaaaaaa.