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Remove friends list from game interface!

rated by 0 users
Tue, Mar 5 2013 1:21 PM (20 replies)
  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, Aug 1 2012 3:44 PM

    can wgt remove the friends list completely from the game interface....

    sure keep it on everything else like profile page we can invite and receive invites.

    but in the game interface it causes spikes and screws with the meter.

    it's time for wgt to stop denying it because i've monitored this for a month now and each time there is friends list activity as i'm about to hit the shot i get metered.....that to me is not a coincidence.

    i'm sick to effing death being -7 in the 8th tee or -8 only to get humped on the 9th tee with the meter due to friends list activity.

    it's not my pc before anyone decides to lecture me on isp's, cache or my granny's t1ts being to saggy.

    it's the damn friends list interering with the meter.

    take it out of the game interface and problem will be solved.

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Wed, Aug 1 2012 3:54 PM



  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, Aug 1 2012 3:59 PM

    I'd ask to take it a step further...when playing it's obvious we don't care "who's on line" and neither (IMO) do we need to get friend invites either...remove them both.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, Aug 1 2012 4:12 PM

    only thing in game client when playing or getting ready to tee off should be chat....

    friends list and invite function should be kept on the profile page left hand size or wherever wgt decide.....just not in game play.


    10,728 Posts
    Wed, Aug 1 2012 5:24 PM

    I have seen this for a year Davey,Nothing changes, WGT have held the movement back during the swing but it does put a strain on the meter,kinda like trying to break a door in,and yer get that final whoosh past the ding,

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, Aug 1 2012 5:30 PM


    I have seen this for a year Davey,Nothing changes, WGT have held the movement back during the swing but it does put a strain on the meter,kinda like trying to break a door in,and yer get that final whoosh past the ding,

    they need to remove it completely from the game client screen.

    it's not even needed when the game's already started anyway.

    it'd be a relatively simple task (take 5 mins max for their designers to do) so it's not even a big issue.


  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Wed, Aug 1 2012 5:39 PM



    I have seen this for a year Davey,Nothing changes, WGT have held the movement back during the swing but it does put a strain on the meter,kinda like trying to break a door in,and yer get that final whoosh past the ding,

    they need to remove it completely from the game client screen.

    it's not even needed when the game's already started anyway.

    it'd be a relatively simple task (take 5 mins max for their designers to do) so it's not even a big issue.


    Just highlight code, and hit delete button. I think is less than 5 minutes, unless its 20 pages of code.

  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Wed, Aug 1 2012 6:29 PM

    Programmers, like secretaries and everyone else, hang around the water cooler, interrupt each other, take their magazine to the crapper, and sit in 2 hour meetings trying to decide whether or not to take the friends/invites off the game screen.

    Nothing gets done in five minutes.

    Retired, but speaking from experience ;-)

    Bubba the Dork

  • labordayk
    389 Posts
    Wed, Aug 1 2012 7:02 PM

    Sounds good to me, and I'm sure CC Owners would love for the CC Membership Alert to be removed from the game client, too.  As if I want or need to stop playing a round to go approve or deny someone's request right away.

    Thank goodness, as of today, I won't have that annoying ORANGE alert pop up while I'm playing ever again.

  • jvr86
    799 Posts
    Wed, Aug 1 2012 10:11 PM

    agree, agree and agree....+100

    I was thinking about postin something about this few minutes ago and I found this in forum.

    game is loading all time when friends are getting online and offline. Tha is extra loading that game client don't need while we are playing. 

    Probably a button option to turn friend list and invite off will be a great meter solution. One less thing that need to be loading while we are playing. I notice the game performance at several moments of the day when a lot of friends are getting in and out. 
