can wgt remove the friends list completely from the game interface....
sure keep it on everything else like profile page we can invite and receive invites.
but in the game interface it causes spikes and screws with the meter.
it's time for wgt to stop denying it because i've monitored this for a month now and each time there is friends list activity as i'm about to hit the shot i get metered.....that to me is not a coincidence.
i'm sick to effing death being -7 in the 8th tee or -8 only to get humped on the 9th tee with the meter due to friends list activity.
it's not my pc before anyone decides to lecture me on isp's, cache or my granny's t1ts being to saggy.
it's the damn friends list interering with the meter.
take it out of the game interface and problem will be solved.