Sounds good to me, and I'm sure CC Owners would love for the CC Membership Alert to be removed from the game client, too. As if I want or need to stop playing a round to go approve or deny someone's request right away.
Thank goodness, as of today, I won't have that annoying ORANGE alert pop up while I'm playing ever again.
Well, here's something to think about folks.
I started to play tonight, for the first time since transferring ownership of my CC, and my Full Screen mode is all screwed up - blurry, very laggy movements, and extremely jumpy meter - totally unplayable. Cleared cache and stuff a couple of times, no help, but works fine in the window.
Only change from last night, the CC request alert that I hated is gone, since I'm no longer an owner. Apparently, its removal screwed up my full screen play. Now, I'd gladly take the damn thing back.
Hope if they take out the friend list, that it doesn't do this to everyone. If I can't get this straightened out, I'm going to have to quit playing.