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Update Aug. 2, 2012

Fri, Aug 3 2012 3:39 AM (193 replies)
  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 1:49 AM

    Just to change the subject

    .....  I have a R11s Driver (L90).  Just noticed the the same driver I have is Level 94. Is it my imagination or did Wgt change the Driver to a higher


  • simovoice
    4,963 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 2:14 AM


    Just to change the subject

    .....  I have a R11s Driver (L90).  Just noticed the the same driver I have is Level 94. Is it my imagination or did Wgt change the Driver to a higher


    This is  another thread where level change of R11s driver is explained Roger ...

  • acpodogman
    10 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 2:22 AM

    Yep, my meter seems to slide past where I click and always ends up way past the shot on the right.

    It doesn't matter where I click it just keeps going.

    It has ruined the game for me.

    Come on WGT help out on this one.

  • mnshiner
    1,382 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 2:39 AM

    I do believe the gentlemen was joking because of all the fuss that was made about the Level change.

    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 2:51 AM

    I heard about new meter issue and will let our engineers know as soon as I can shake them awake.


    Hmmm  so all you WFT engineers and dev's share a house together and have a room with the keyboard and terminals in?

    Nice way of instilling confidence. 


    I have read alot of this thread, although i havent had as 'many; issues with the meter as most here, i have noticed the difference.

    What i would really like to know is the motivation for these SPEED boosts?

    Someone mentioned in here, we buy balls to slow the meter and NOW we pay to speed them up?

    ALSO,  what happened rto the 30 odd pages of suggestions/ questions for MISTERWGT?

    I dont recall anything about a speed boost in that.

    Something is up someones sleeve......


    how about fixing the friend list one day?


    • The scroll bar loses focus 1/2 way through a scroll
    • Clicking on a friend in the list , shows his profile without a send message option and WITH an 'add friend' option. 
    • Please add basic info on a mouse hover, as you can within the game , invite list.
    • Allow the qability to click on the username for a 'FRIEND INVITE' to load their profile, exactly as you can in a 'COUNTRY CLUB REQUEST'.



    CHEERS,  keep it classy

  • PandaTiger2010
    19 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 3:39 AM

    Download the new web browser - Rockmelt

    I had the same issue as you with my meter but I downloaded rockmelt and now my meter is PERFECT

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 4:11 AM



    Just to change the subject

    .....  I have a R11s Driver (L90).  Just noticed the the same driver I have is Level 94. Is it my imagination or did Wgt change the Driver to a higher


    This is  another thread where level change of R11s driver is explained Roger ...

    Thx for that Link Simovoice. I really didn't know it was there. Just proves that i'm not too much of a

    Interesting thread to read too.


    I do believe the gentlemen was joking because of all the fuss that was made about the Level change.

    No, sorry m8... I wasn't  Silly me didn't realize that it was going to change.  I feel for the people just short of Level 90....   Getting to Level 94 is a life time.

    Now saying that...   back when I first started, it took a lifetime to get anywhere. Now with all the boosts... people are moving through the levels heaps quicker. Sometimes way too quick.

    I do feel for the people, just short of L90 though :( 


  • Johniedino
    786 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 5:10 AM

    If one is using chrome...type in the address bar.. chrome:plugins... then disable the latest flash which is dated 08/02/2012.  It will be the top of listing...Leave the older version dated 07/31/2012 alone. That should do it did it on my computer.


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 5:41 AM

    Ok... back on previous


    I use Chrome.... I have Flash Version ... 11.3.300.265 ....   and I have had no meter problems or should I say, maybe the occasional glitch, but not concerning.

    Actually tonite my meter has been the best i've seen it as in... very smooth.
