WGTicon: I heard about new meter issue and will let our engineers know as soon as I can shake them awake.
Hmmm so all you WFT engineers and dev's share a house together and have a room with the keyboard and terminals in?
Nice way of instilling confidence.
I have read alot of this thread, although i havent had as 'many; issues with the meter as most here, i have noticed the difference.
What i would really like to know is the motivation for these SPEED boosts?
Someone mentioned in here, we buy balls to slow the meter and NOW we pay to speed them up?
ALSO, what happened rto the 30 odd pages of suggestions/ questions for MISTERWGT?
I dont recall anything about a speed boost in that.
Something is up someones sleeve......
how about fixing the friend list one day?
- The scroll bar loses focus 1/2 way through a scroll
- Clicking on a friend in the list , shows his profile without a send message option and WITH an 'add friend' option.
- Please add basic info on a mouse hover, as you can within the game , invite list.
- Allow the qability to click on the username for a 'FRIEND INVITE' to load their profile, exactly as you can in a 'COUNTRY CLUB REQUEST'.
CHEERS, keep it classy