YankeeJim: At least give WGT credit for listening to the complaints about how they used to do it (not sure they ever had it messed up) and getting it right. MB ans Zag showed you that.
Sorry, Jim. I now see that M.'s photo is doctored (corrected). All the tourneys now on the site are mis-stated. The Kiawah Championships actually has the dates appearing to overlap, but in fact they do not overlap. The monthly tourneys run "1 August - 1 September" (which literally means a month plus 1 day), the current weekly is "13-20 August" (which means Monday through Monday = 8 days, which it is not). No part of the monthly is played on 1 September, no part of the weekly is played on 20 August, etc. etc. - according to US Pacific time.
PS. Or if M. is a SF fan, maybe he is in the Pacific time zone and he is shown a different schedule than elsewhere? Where I am playing, in my local time, there is a part of each tournament that does play on the "next" day (my time - but still the same day in San Fran).