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Flop Shots

Tue, Aug 22 2023 5:42 AM (25 replies)
  • PDDispatcher
    59 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 11:06 AM

    I've been noticing that you have to change your point of aim more inwards on Flop shots.  Meaning standing straight on like normal, the ball tends to always go to the right.   Anyone one else with that?

  • SpencerS25
    123 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 11:24 AM


    I've been noticing that you have to change your point of aim more inwards on Flop shots.  Meaning standing straight on like normal, the ball tends to always go to the right.   Anyone one else with that?

    Yes, Flop shots you have to aim to the left cause they fly to the right a few feet. They try and make it as realistic as possible and in real golf you have to open the face of your club which make the ball fly off to the opposite side a bit. All in all the flop shot is a great shot to use in this darn game ;) Enjoy.

  • kilbraur
    219 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 11:49 AM

    If it you are one to hit the ding then you is have to hit the bar to the left as your dinger and you is going to be on the spot.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 12:11 PM


    If it you are one to hit the ding then you is have to hit the bar to the left as your dinger and you is going to be on the spot.

    Or move arrow left & still ding it..Andy


  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 12:22 PM

    Either way works. Sometimes ill hit flop more direct if in a trap. Seems to help it out.

    The flop is your friend.

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 12:24 PM


    If it you are one to hit the ding then you is have to hit the bar to the left as your dinger and you is going to be on the spot.

    To elaborate a bit more on what she is saying. There are two methods to hitting a flop shot.

    One being, since the theory is you are opening your clubface to hit a flop shot the tendency is for the flight of the ball is to go right. So you need to aim left to compensate for that ball flight and also need to take into consideration the break of the green nearest to the hole for how much is aim is needed.

    The 2nd method in WGT is to leave the arrow at the centerpoint of the hole and use the hash line to the left of your Center aim as the the new center ding point for your flop. Then you need to hit that mark depending on the break around the hole. If there is very little to no break then hit it on the mark. If there is left to right break, then hit it to the right side of that mark and visa versa for right to left break. How much to be off center depends on how much break is around the hole and takes practice just as moving the arrow for the standard method.

    How hard to hit it to get the distance close to the hole remains about the same.

  • ksinfield
    310 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 2:03 PM

    i would add to the above that you should also factor in the wind

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 10:01 PM

    Add club & ball. A real flop stopping on the dime is best possible with high class equipment. Minor equipment will produce a pitch with higher trajectory, rolling considerably (counting my Satins w/ WGT balls into this category).

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 10:33 PM

    Agree with what has been said...

    What I do when Flopping...

    - Hit reverse view in chip/putt mode.... this will give you a good picture of what the roll of the green is doing

    -Aim your shot depending on wind and roll of green.... just slightly, in heavy cross winds, it might be only a couple of grid squares at the most, if that.  In Low winds, then just adjust for the roll on green if any.

    -Change back to normal View and Don't forget to change to FLOP.

    - I have Cle Wedges and use Nikes....  and I click the line before the DIng, using Full Backspin


  • PDDispatcher
    59 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2012 5:33 AM

    I'd never even thought of using it out of the sand.  Since I tend to be a beachbum, I'll keep that in mind.  There are times at Oakmont that I might as well bring a pail and bucket with me.  But I'm guessing, but the lie has to be 5-15% for it to work, right?

    And on a good note, I made birdie at BP Black # 15 using a flop shot !!!  Thanks to all that answered and helped.