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WGT ripping us off

Sat, Aug 4 2012 2:09 PM (27 replies)
    1,141 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2012 10:02 AM

    MAN !!  


    hope ya get the fix... peace ..

  • borntobesting
    9,751 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2012 10:13 AM



    In the last 24 hours I have lost 10 balls on the st andrews hole 1....hit the bar but the meter keeps going to the far end.....what the hell is going on!!! I try going far left but it still keeps going to the right! WGT running out of money...and needs us to buy more balls etc.

    I love this game but this is a joke,,,,something is up anyone else having the same problem?

    just spoken to a couple of friends and one had the same problem last week and the other in a different country is now having the same problem....i smell a rat!!!!

    It took you 10 lost balls to figure out there was a problem?

    As soon as you saw it wasn't working right did you bother to check in the forums to see if others were having difficulty or if there was a fix?

    By the time you posted this there were several threads posted on how to fix the problem

    So instead you would rather accuse WGT of trying to rip you off...too funny

    Maybe the rat you smell is your own lack of judgement.



    you should replace lost balls that happened during this time.  I lost balls as well trying to figure out what was wrong.  it's the right thing to do.

    Why? Not everyone lost balls due to the update and not every browser was affected. Just those using Chrome, wgt does not tell us what browser to play the game with nor do they have control over what other software companies do to to their software that affects this game Ie; Adobe & Chrome. Both made changes that screwed up game play in that browser. In essnce it was Chrome's fault for trying to introduce a new player that wasn't compatible with Adobe Flash. Hence rolling back to an update that doesn't contain the Pepper Player Chrome update solves the problem.

    E1 else using a different browser was unaffected. So maybe you should write to Adobe or Chrome to see if they will reimburse you for your loss since it was their fault.

    I don't propose that WGT doesn't have their flaws but let's put it proper perspective. A little research and knowledge can go a long way towards better understanding than blind accusations.


    And those who use Chrome who had their settings set up not to auto update Adobe flash didn't have problems either. It was just those players who had their settings set up to auto update Flash. 

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2012 10:26 AM


    In the last 24 hours I have lost 10 balls

    i've never lost a ball in over a month.

    then again i use a different browser



  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2012 10:29 AM

    So maybe you should write to Adobe or Chrome to see if they will reimburse you for your loss since it was their fault.

    WGT writes their programming to work on the Flash platform, not the other way around. Therefore, in my opinion, the responsibility to assure that WGT works on the Flash platform rests on the shoulders of the WGT programmers. New releases of Flash are available to programmers before they are released to the public, specifically so programmers can make changes to keep their sites running properly. The fact that WGT CHOSE not to do the necessary testing before their latest update does not absolve them of responsibility. It also speaks volumes that WGT was mute about the problem until the players using the forums found the root of the problem and the necessary fix. The only reasonable way to blame Adobe would be if every other site using the Flash platform had similar issues, which is not the case. Again, just my opinion.

  • blindpugh
    433 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2012 10:37 AM

    i,ve lost balls too....just cant control the meter  what are WGT playing at

  • eivets
    433 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2012 10:42 AM

    As a long time member of wgt I feel the need to speak up @ this time. We as paying customers should not have to have a degree in computer science to play the game. I tried many times to follow the published "fix" for this issue. What I got for my troubles was a dead end. 

    After entering about:plugins in the browser space & hitting enter I got a list of web pages from various sources. Which 1 to choose? I have no idea, so I tried many of these pages. Not a single 1 of them had a "details" in the upper right hand corner or anywhere else on the page.

    I also went into my control panel & somehow {luckily} I was able to find a list of Adobe updates with dates of installation. I even was able to disable the most recent update { 8/02/2012} but couldn't find a way to activate an earlier version. I do not believe the most recent version of Adobe was actually removed although it disappeared from my list because when I right click on the main page of wgt @ the bottom line it still says the most recent version # of Adobe.


    After many hours of messing around trying to fix it I called a more computer savvy friend for help, & he suggested I try Maxthon3 as a new browser. This worked for me as Maxthon3 comes preloaded with an earlier  version of Adobe {11.1. blah blah blah}.

    I now have a fast loading game with a butter smooth meter & I would recommend this fix to anyone still having issues with Chrome & Adobe.

    The point is there is an obvious lack of communication between Chrome, Adobe, & wgt. Wgt is just one of many customers of both Chrome & Adobe who are both just trying improve their products & satisfy their broad customer bases. Wgt is a very small fish in this large pond of customers & I feel fairly certain that both Chrome & Adobe do not give a rats hynie about the problems of the wgt membership group.

    I do not know if wgt receives advance knowledge about upcoming updates from either of these companies, but it seems to me that prior to a new release from wgt the developers @ wgt should do extensive testing of their product to determine if there are any compatibility issues. Obviously this was not done this time.

    I hope that wgt will learn from this experience & proceed with more caution in the future before releasing an update to their membership.

    Nobody enjoys the feeling of being reduced to a crying winer because " I can't find the ding, WAHHHHH!!", & this type of situation surely is not a good reflection on wgt as a company.

    Sorry for the long winded post, but this is my take on the situation & I have no plans to take any courses in computer science in order to play a game.

    Many thanks to my friend Dave for his help with this problem. 

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2012 10:45 AM

    What the last two post's say !!  ^^^..wgt ?

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2012 10:54 AM


    Many thanks to my friend Dave for his help with this problem. 

    always glad to help out a mate.

    Maxthon3's a great browser to play this game in.

    I only use it for playing this game as it makes the meter buttery's got a built in adhunter (adblocker), also the full screen option is the best. It has a built in screenshot taker, page translater and a ton of other things. It's also 200% quicker at loading pages than chrome. You can even switch browser mode etc.

    My advice to folks having problems is to download it and use it.....and have a look at all it's settings / tweaks etc.




  • adjo47
    24 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2012 10:56 AM

    After months of playing, as much as 90 days straight,  with no meter problems, I am not gonna play any more or spend my money until WGT sends an email announcing a fix. What is the point of buying the best clubs and balls available only to have the meter stutter and all shot control is lost. Looking forward to an answer.


  • stuwer231267
    1 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2012 10:59 AM

    thanks eivets,ive been having problems since last night with wgt and so has a friend of mine.what a joke as i pay quite a bit to wgt per month in upgrading equipmant and balls as im sure thousands do,but to play a game and cant even hit a straight shot is bloody going to try and download  Maxthon3 as you advise.thanks for the info