So I have an 18mph wind with the meter pointing straight at 3 o'clock. I adjust accordingly and aim left to get a nice fade on the ball with the wind factor. Hit the fairway, things are nice. Another hole I have a very similar situation and make similar adjustments. Hit the ball nice and it pushes the damn thing clear off into the right rough! Another hole there is 12mph wind pointing at 7 o'clock and it pushes the ball harder from right-to-left than the other two scenarios! These are with good hits on the meter but the wind seems to effect ball flight quite differently. Hard to get consistent when the impacts of the wind don't seem to be consistent. Anyone else have this problem?
Its the Dinged bug I mention all the time. I bet the first shot that you hit the fairway with wasnt a dinged shot and that the other ones were. I have the same issue all the time when I ding a shot on approaches and have sent bug reports, posted it in the forums etc etc. Just an aspect of the game I have learned to live with. Its a shame when I get mad because I dinged a shot :(
Man I hope I spelt everything correct . :)