Dear WGT
You need to start a new forum called B 1 T C H MOAN & ATTACK.
It is urgently required so we don't have to read the tons of mindless drivel that continuously flows under every conceivable topic in every conceivable forum.
The personal attacks and general verbal barrage and to and fro's when a topic is just about announcing something is worse than a script from the Bold & the Beautiful soap operas.
People, we know there are cheats out there who win tournaments but haven't played for months. We know that some of these people come on and vehemently deny they do it and know nothing of alter egos.
We know ! We know ! We know !
I just want to read suggestions,discussions and valid ideas for improving the game and I want to hear WGT's opinions as well.
Haven't you all worked out WHY WGT doesn't reply ?
Because they don't want to get drawn in or committed to the absolute bullsh1t that gets plastered on the forums.
New forum area is where any *** moan or attack on other players gets instantly moved to. That part of the sandpit can be where those that feel the need can evacuate their verbal diarrhea via posts without limit to their hearts content.
They can throw their toys out of the sandpit, scream, shout, attack, verbally assail until the cows come home !
And we, the playing masses, can read quiely and peacefully about the topics posted under the appropriate forum headings !
Thank You for Listening - and have a nice day !