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Remove automatic 100' scale when in the fringe

rated by 0 users
Sat, Aug 11 2012 12:17 AM (8 replies)
  • mmw1
    5 Posts
    Fri, Aug 10 2012 1:30 PM

    Several times I've had a good round going in a tournament that was messed up because I was putting a short putt from the fringe and didn't notice the scale was automatically set to 100'. I assumed a 25 foot scale and blasted the putt WAY past.



  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Fri, Aug 10 2012 2:22 PM


    it's a issue with caddy because he gets confused with fridge. we may look into it, but in the end, it's players responsibility to make a decisions instead of relying on caddy;)


  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Fri, Aug 10 2012 3:23 PM

    Then let the player make the decision in advance and allow us to either turn off (fire) the caddy or set a default value as the starting point for all putts.

  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Fri, Aug 10 2012 3:25 PM

    Yes Icon, we know it's the players responsibility and if thats the view of wgt then at least make the meter for putting an automatic 10 or 15 ,depending on which putter you are using, so that we can make that choice and decision. At the moment it is giving erratic distances and even when you DO change it sometimes it still putts the same as what the caddy gave you in the first place.

    I myself have changed it from a 100 off the fringe to a 30 and the ball shot of the putter face and went 67 past the hole like I had never change the speed. Give us a statutory lowest setting and let us make the decision.


  • fairground11
    1,211 Posts
    Fri, Aug 10 2012 3:57 PM



    it's a issue with caddy because he gets confused with fridge. we may look into it, but in the end, it's players responsibility to make a decisions instead of relying on caddy;)



    he is supposed to be caddying not looking in the fridge for something to eat,no wonder he keeps giving us the wrong putter lol


  • sixkiller
    1,147 Posts
    Fri, Aug 10 2012 5:40 PM

    All WGT caddies are on crack!


  • anthonyvp1
    212 Posts
    Fri, Aug 10 2012 6:13 PM

    The BEST move would be to have the players choose and keep your mitts outta my bag!..LOL


  • navigater
    1,319 Posts
    Fri, Aug 10 2012 6:14 PM

    I find that I have to go against the caddy 95% of the time anyway,so ya.make the default the lowest setting for all putts.But then again,that will screw up allot of us to for a while

  • Lmorgan007
    408 Posts
    Sat, Aug 11 2012 12:17 AM




    it's a issue with caddy because he gets confused with fridge. we may look into it, but in the end, it's players responsibility to make a decisions instead of relying on caddy;)



    he is supposed to be caddying not looking in the fridge for something to eat,no wonder he keeps giving us the wrong putter lol



    Fridge indeed, Lol!