I use 3 satin wedges. A 54 degree for shots from 110 down to 80 yards, a 60 degree for 79 - 50 yards and the 64 degree for anything below. In a pinch with no backspin the 54 will give me 115 yards in the low wind conditions. The satin wedges scale nicely down to the lower power settings and provide consistent shots. I can use the 64 degree wedge down to 22 yards as a full shot using 50% power consistently and reliably.
The 56 degree club you mention would leave too big a gap between it and the R11 PW. It would force me to use the R11 at less than full power and in my experience it is not that reliable when you do that. As a result, I rarely use my R11 PW for anything more than a full 120 yard shot.
The lack of a new 54 degree ATV has made having a set of 3 wedges with the same speed meter a non-starter and I am unwilling to mix swing meter speeds.
Given that it is a virtual club and not a physical object, how hard is it for WGT to 'create' a 54 degree ATV? I mean basically, the ATV is the Satin in all respects except the swing meter. Change a line in the programming and put it on the market.