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The Need A "DROP" Option For This Game!

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Sun, Aug 19 2012 5:45 PM (5 replies)
  • giantfan5611
    135 Posts
    Thu, Aug 16 2012 10:44 AM

    I had to end a -3 under round because I ended up in a bunker...pinned against the bumker wall and couldn't get out!  The only other option was taking the maximum number of shots and scorig a +5 that I didn't i just quit he game.

    I'm also getting sick of my ball rolling forever to find a bunker or the rough, but when the same kind of shot is heading for the pin with enough steam to get me close to the hole the ball suddenly stops dead for no apparent reason!

    My once open mind about this game being on the up and up has now slammed shut.



  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Aug 16 2012 11:28 AM

    Did you try playing the ball backwards towards the tee?

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Thu, Aug 16 2012 3:13 PM

    Whilst hitting into a bunker doesn't exactly deserve a +5 or whatever, it does demand a degree of forethought before simply giving up on it. Courteney says it best, and perhaps this would have earned a reprieve, but of a certainty, it would have given you the knowledge as to how to extricate yourself next time.

    Sadly, the WGT bunkers appear to replicate real life situations.


    Lizzie xx


  • giantfan5611
    135 Posts
    Fri, Aug 17 2012 6:09 AM

    Shoot...I have to admit that that option never crossed my mind! Damnit you're right...i could have done that.

  • nyctc7
    160 Posts
    Fri, Aug 17 2012 8:27 AM

    The only time I recall getting a "drop" is on 18th of St Andrews, the ball landed on that path that cuts across the fairway.  IIRC the screen flashed "Immovable Obstacle" and the ball was automatically moved a little forward on to the fairway (no penalty). 

    As to being right up against an imposing bunker wall, as stated above, need to aim shot away from the wall, even if this means shooting "backwards" in the direction of the tee.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Aug 19 2012 5:45 PM

    I totally agree with the others - I assume you were playing St Andrews. I have actually played this course a few times in and I remember finding the bunker on 5 - well short of the green - the caddy was ranting at me "ye cannay play forward laddie" or something to that effect. Played sideways and made bogey after a wasted shot. There are always options - its about choosing the right ones LOL