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Personalized balls for CC's

Fri, Aug 17 2012 10:29 AM (2 replies)
  • Elknoxious
    1,123 Posts
    Fri, Aug 17 2012 9:16 AM

    Not sure if this has been brought up before.  I think it would be cool if you could create custom balls with your CC logo on it.  You would only be able to purchase the ball if you belonged to that CC.  The CC could increase the cost of the ball by 50C or something and those credits could be used to fund tournaments within the CC.  

    WGT could create a blank ball that rivaled Nike or top end Callaway balls that would be available to CC owners to personalize how they would like.  The ball would be available to purchase in the pro shop for all CC members

    Just a thought,



  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Fri, Aug 17 2012 9:40 AM

    I like it.

  • Mesmorizer
    614 Posts
    Fri, Aug 17 2012 10:29 AM

    Very kool idea, I like the concept of a way for CC's to get a share of money to build themselfs up. Funds could be put in a CC bank sort of  thing and only dispearsed via tournments etc. great idea although the hard part is controlling the bank of the CC. The bank needs to be to tied to someone. But kool idea even if you make it so you can personalize balls for all players would be neat.
