I have read many posts in the past regarding sandbaggers, and yes there are some high level (80+) players who are still pro despite having good equipment and can obviously play well, but due to the amount of ranked rounds they stay pro. Some of the players only play alternate play or match play, so is it possible for WGT to include these somehow as part of their average scores and ranked rounds?
Also as an incentive to progress through the tiers, would it not be prudent for WGT to significantly increae the credits awarded when rising a tier? 100 -150 credits can only get a sleeve of the cheapest balls - certainly no incentive to up a level! The cost to WGT would be negligible compared to the long term financial gain.
I managed to attain Master Tier using the starters clubs, however with the extra distance from the tee, I had no option but to upgrade my clubs - it would have been nice to have received something a little more than the 150 credits. I fear that this would put some people off and either stop playing or just create a new id.
Perhaps another way to encourage people to do their best would be continual reward system of rewarding players with a small amount of credits each time they better the average score in a ranked round and also have a minimum amount of ranked rounds per month before they can play a multiplayer format.
I appreciate this is a business and has to be financially viable, but these ideas would cost very little to implement, and would in effect be like a rewards program that most businesses have - a happy customer who gets value for the product will keep coming back, It is a great game, lets try to make it better....and fairer to all.
Comments are welcomed.