Id like to think putting is my strength I usedthe missed ding style for the first two months. Triedall the putters with the missed ding style and the best one is the beginner putter with the rossa coming in second and the nike method "lower lvl" coming in third.
In my honest opinion though I GAVE up the method.. worked on reading breaks and started trying to ding all my putts and my stats have improveed because of that...
BUT if you are set in your wys yu may want to UPgrade to the rossa... After that Start using a distance meter much longer then your putt...
fore example.. for a 15 ft putt... use a 50 ft meter rather then a 20 ft.. this will help the putt play more to the break on those putts that break more. (Hope that can be understood). I did this and once u get the hang of it seems to work well wth the rossa.
GL to you!