@Lonnie...First thing you can do is upgrade to the newer 3.4 Beta version that will have Adobe Flash .270 instead of the newer .271. I don't think there's really much difference except Adobe did a fix for Firefox in the newer one I believe. The Beta can be found here.
If you want to back door it into your current version then 1st go to Adobe and download the new version after that follow these directions.
Using your Explorer folder go to C:\WINDOWS\SYSWOW64\MACROMED\FLASH
In the flash folder Flash copy this file.
then go to: C:\program Files (x86)\Maxthon3\Core\Webkit\Npplugins and paste the file there.
In the Npplugins folder delete the existing file NPSWF32.dll
Then it should be .271
Also for everyone if you want to not view those pesky ads during game load you can block them;
In the Status Bar at the bottom of the browser check these two items.
1. Enable Ad Hunter for this site
2. Subscribe to Ad Hunter Rules
If anyone knows the most about this browser it would be THEBIGEASY707 as like BMF5 he is the one I found out about it and have gotten some helpful info. Also don't overlook the forums, there is a wealth of info there. Hence where I found out about Ad Blocking & back dooring the newer Flash versions.