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Make the R11S Legend Only

Tue, Aug 21 2012 3:43 AM (30 replies)
  • creamer444
    783 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2012 2:09 AM

    top clubs should be legend only plain and simple 

  • dflop
    1,877 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2012 2:47 AM

    Whatever makes the boats sail in Australia............

    I think you just need a CHILL PILL  , i don' want an argument but what your saying dont make sense !

    Honour code is called comon sense and respecting your fellow players , and i believe some1 that can play at a higer level and stays on the baby tees with the best equipment is simply weak  !

    Good day sir !       BTW my boat has a motor  !

    dflop  !


  • Slowwedge
    143 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2012 2:54 AM


    Whatever makes the boats sail in Australia............

    I think you just need a CHILL PILL  , i don' want an argument but what your saying dont make sense !

    Honour code is called comon sense and respecting your fellow players , and i believe some1 that can play at a higer level and stays on the baby tees with the best equipment is simply weak  !

    Good day sir !       BTW my boat has a motor  !

    dflop  !



    So because I am not as skilled as you.......I'm weak  ??  Thank you !!

    Have you played from back tees with starter clubs all the way to legend??

    I recommend you to sit still in your boat, engine or not........



  • dflop
    1,877 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2012 3:04 AM

    Sorry wedgie you win it doesn't matter what i say you will always have the last say , and BTW i never said you were weak  , so don't take it personal it's called freedom of speech , an i have had mine  !

    And why would i play with starter clubs all the way to legend  , when i can buy better ones in the pro shop , like you have ?

    dflop  !          thanx or the chat  

  • Elknoxious
    1,123 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2012 7:33 AM


    top clubs should be legend only plain and simple 

    I agree a 100% 

    When money is involved you should not be limited to the amount of time you spent playing the game but rather your skill.  I don't mind getting my a** handed to me in a ready-go because I suck but it would be much more gratifying if I knew I was not limited to my equipment. 

    The more I think about it the more I wonder if I should still be a Master collecting as many credits as I can before moving on.  I feel as if I played this game a**-backwards. Give me a mulligan and let me take this journey again.  

    If you want to prevent sandbagging make equipment open to tiers not levels or at least allow legends to access all the equipment no matter what level. 


  • lonnieskinner
    1,677 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2012 8:08 AM

    Honor is something you either have or don't have. If you have to ask what it is, you don't have it. Honor, Character and Integrity are attributes that are vastly missing in all areas of life in these days. Have a great day.

  • BeachedMulligan
    1,238 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2012 8:26 AM


    Give me a mulligan and let me take this journey again.  



  • Buckeye8084
    307 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2012 11:29 AM

    People are acting like the R11s is some miracle club. It's not. It gets out preformed by other clubs when there is a side or headwind. 

    Don't see what the big deal is. 

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2012 11:39 AM


    People are acting like the R11s is some miracle club. It's not. It gets out preformed by other clubs when there is a side or headwind. 

    Don't see what the big deal is. 


    Perhaps you will when you get to use one.


  • Pauldriver
    47 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2012 1:36 PM

    coming from an American i really have to wonder