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Lost balls resulting in unrealistic cost.

Fri, Aug 31 2012 11:04 AM (12 replies)
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  • mmw1
    5 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2012 1:54 PM

    I think it's annoying for the game to remove a ball if you hit it into an OB area. These balls are expensive! I don't mind as much if I hit into the water, but I've lost a few by hitting left or right of the fairway into weeds. Why can't the game assume we searched and found the ball and charge us the penalty stroke?


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Aug 20 2012 9:50 PM

    In a way I tend to agree, sometimes you do find the ball, having said that when I played St Andrews and found the long grass (fescue) I didn't find my ball (happened twice and had played a provisional) but did find several other balls from previous players so sort of averaged out. Perhaps a stroke and distance is enough of a penalty. But it is easy to lose a ball in real rounds , most bizzare for me was to hit the middle of a fairway playing in Malaysia, only for a monkey to pick it up and run into the trees!!!! Lets hope WGT don't get any ideas!

    I actually think the balls are a disproportiate cost compared to the clubs (as we use and lose the balls constantly) yet never break any clubs (been tempted to wrap them around the Cypress trees on Olympic #4 however lol).  For those reasons I tend to use the cheaper balls and accept that I my game has limitations. That said WGT is a business and a business must make money and as long as they continue to improve the experience I dont mind to much .

  • FamousBeef
    271 Posts
    Tue, Aug 21 2012 1:00 AM

    The best solution is to sell a Ball Retriever at the Pro Shop. Like 3 retrieves for 2.50 or something. Won't happen though. The bean counters (due to WGT taking outside funding) and the bureaucrats (who do nothing but justify their jobs all day long with rules, meetings and memos) haven taken over WGT. 

    This is why WGT will never make it out of "Beta" as well. What will WGT do when Flash (made by a 3rd party) finally dies? No refunds.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Aug 21 2012 5:35 AM

    Thinking of "ball lost in the weeds" you may feel like Bubba on Open Sunday - not found.

    Also, balls OOB can't be searched for due to the "undue delay" rule - we have to consider ourselves professionals!

    Unless a player wants or has to deal with the lower quality of the Starter balls, I consider the ball costs a a sort of green fee to play the game. Each of us has to decide for outside stance (Starter), inside stance (cheapos) or reserved seats of ascending class (Callies, Nikes).

    The game is for free but you get what you pay for!

  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Tue, Aug 21 2012 8:35 AM

    Flash is made by Adobe.  I don't like lost balls, either, but the last thing I worry about is Flash going away.

    There is nothing wrong with browser-based games.  I've made a couple.  The maintenance and update issues with downloadable executables are much worse.

    I wouldn't personally use Flash, but that's a prejudice going back many, many years.  I used to use Java apps, but Java has gotten so fat and ungainly it isn't funny.

  • Birdiesimmo
    22 Posts
    Tue, Aug 21 2012 12:58 PM

    Yes.  It makes me curse WGT every time.  Its bad customer relations to kick your patrons in the head when they are already down and frustrated w/ a bad shot by taking away their ball.

    I would love to see this changed.

  • FamousBeef
    271 Posts
    Wed, Aug 22 2012 1:01 AM


    Yes.  It makes me curse WGT every time.  Its bad customer relations to kick your patrons in the head when they are already down and frustrated w/ a bad shot by taking away their ball.

    I would love to see this changed.

    LOL, Dream on, working as intended, Welcome to the WGT business model.

    To Bubbadork:

    They only used flash so they wouldnt have to make their own engine (super cheap) and to avoid having the facebook crowd (super dumb) they aim this game at from having to install anything.

    Flash has sucked since release over 10 years ago.

    I would bet that Flash is dead before this game ever comes out of "beta". Have no fear, I'm sure adobe or someone is working on a flash to html5 converter.

    isn't the point of HTML5  really to do away with flash ad blockers?

  • andrewmca
    447 Posts
    Wed, Aug 22 2012 1:23 AM

    Some birds are attracted to colourful golf balls, and swoop down and pick them up!!

  • DrinksBreak
    163 Posts
    Wed, Aug 22 2012 3:35 AM

    The motto is:

    Thank you, come again

  • 06harley
    8 Posts
    Wed, Aug 22 2012 2:23 PM

    I just lost a whole sleeve of Calloway vapor trails in the weeds....thats pure BS. WGT needs to make allowance that some of us tend to duff a shot once in a while and allow us either a mulligaan or a drop...Christ

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