There are two work-arounds in chrome.
1. Set your computer to NOT performing automatic updates, but to inform you that updates are available. This allows you to play a game and complete it with whatever flash version you had when you logged onto WGT.
In Chrome, EVERY time you get an update, it enables ALL subsets, even those that were previously disabled, including sadly, pepper flash (the cause of so many problems).
So, before you even enter WGT for the first time in several hours, it would help to perform the routine double check ---> on your address bar, type about : plugins (note the colon between words).
On the right where the word "details" appears, key it and it shows the enabled flash versions (usually two). One is the pepperflash, usually the first one. Key the word disable associated with it.
You're done - exit out and play golf. (One note, if the other one 11.3.300.265 or 268, that's fine, but so is 11.4.402.278, the latest one for PCs, as long as pepperflash is disabled).
2. Suppose, despite all your advance preparation, you suddenly feel the control freeze that tells you a pepperflash sneaked into your system, and you're in the middle of a game.
Okay, this is a work around - ESC out of full screen and move your window (smaller) screen to the upper left corner of your monitor, then placing your cursor onto the bottom right corner of that window until you see the double pointed arrow (up left and down right), drag it slowly to the lower right corner of your monitor, expending the window screen to almost full screen size.
At least you get to play in a close approximation of full screen for the rest of that game, and without the locked controls that pepperflash causes.
Trust me - it takes infinitely longer to read this than to perform this - but WGT has problems of their own, and they have no proprietary rights viv-a-vis Adobe flash, so don't expect them to be able to help you (unless they can charge you for it - lol).
I learned this in forums, so I am passing it on (paying it forward).