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Links(any version) players

Sat, Sep 5 2015 12:33 AM (54 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Aug 16 2015 8:59 AM

    would it be worth the time to download? ive never played it and was looking for some input...cost, etc etc

    Links is a true test of how well you know how golf plays for real. If you're a real golfer and understand things like what feet below the ball does to a shot and how to compensate for it, Links gives you the exact same adjustments to stance and swing that the real game requires. You just have to know how to use them.

    IMO, WGT would be hands down the greatest golf game ever if they were to incorporate the game engine that Links used. I doubt that will ever happen, though, because Links resides on your computer and there's so much more you can do with a game that way. 

    It's tough to compare the 2 games but Links was always an excellent game. Still have over 200 courses myself, including Augusta.  :-)

  • rollone
    783 Posts
    Sun, Aug 16 2015 5:31 PM

    ty gentlemen for the info. i will be definitely looking to download it. 

  • josephk2317
    873 Posts
    Thu, Aug 20 2015 12:48 AM

    Found this on the internet, so there are leagues that still play online.

  • imkirby34
    1 Posts
    Sun, Aug 23 2015 1:52 AM


    Beta tested Links back in the early '90s, and played Links exclusively until coming here couple of years ago.  Played Case's Ladder with hbthree for several years, and we got in their Hall of Fame.  Ever once in a while I drop over to the LSPN site to see what's happening.

    Still have all of the old original disks.

    Warren "Tresclub" Peters

    I realize I'm quoting one of the posts from when this thread was originally started, but I remember Warren from the Links (LS) Tour.  I remember Paul Willey was the undisputed king of the game.  I played Powerstroke exclusively and remember Rick Doty and Joel Bockelman (sp?).  I think I still have a prize from winning an LS Tour tournament back in 1999 or 2000.

    After the LS Tour went away (I think that was after MS bought out Access), I played somewhere else for a short period, but I can't remember the name of the site/tour.   Oddly enough, I kept transferring Links to the new HD after every desktop upgrade, but I don't think I'd played it for more than 5 or 6 years before this last upgrade when I didn't bother copying it.  I'd already discarded my original floppies/CDs some time ago.

    I just started playing WGT just over a week ago.

  • Jazzbop
    1 Posts
    Sat, Sep 5 2015 12:33 AM

    I started playing links back at 2000. I made some charts and a sand chart for links 2003 which was apparently helpfull to some players. My nickname was BEBOP. Maybe there is someone here who remember this. Now this week I discovered WGT and I am lucky to play a little if time permits.
