The only problem with Random is... you might get the Slow Green
I tell all of my CC members to play in the Higher Tier comps we set up.... just to get a good idea of faster green speeds.
Most of the Alt shot games I play is with Legends or Tm's on my friends list.
Stroke Play games though is a different story. That's the reason for my suggestion.
I always say to em... careful of my green speed and I can see some of em struggle,
Then I give em a little hint or template to use for Tourny Speeds.
Depending on up/down hill .... 15ft putt will travel 20ft.... 18ft putt will travel 24ft... 30ft will go 40ft....etc.
Just gives em a general idea and with slight adjustments, I can see em actually doing ok :)
The reason why I don't like slow greens.... I can't seem to get my brain working to actually slam the