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Green speed suggestion in Multi Play

rated by 0 users
Sat, Aug 25 2012 7:02 PM (7 replies)
  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Aug 24 2012 7:43 PM

    I think Wgt should change the Default green speed in Friendly Multi-Player games to the Lowest Speed in the group.

    I say Friendly, cause Challenge matches is a different story.

    Just thinking, when playing a friendly game with others in a lower Tier and watching them struggle with Tourny Speed Greens, it just gets to be a bit of a downer for them and for some their whole game goes to water.

    When you reach the top Tiers, you should be able to putt on any speed greens, except for slow greens for me... they are a


  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Fri, Aug 24 2012 8:43 PM

    Tournament greens aren't that hard to putt on. The problem is players that putt on the don't change their mistakes. I see a lot of players over hit all the time. If you have a tendency of over hitting, shouldn't that let you know to take off some more power?

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Fri, Aug 24 2012 10:48 PM

    If in a multi-player game there is a more common green speed, that should prevail.  If not, default to the slowest, as mentioned.  Heartily concur with your post.  Your Nickle.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Fri, Aug 24 2012 10:53 PM

    I played against one of those level 90 Pros the other day and if it hadn't been for the faster green speed I'd have been thrashed. I'd like it kept as it is.

  • dario2589
    202 Posts
    Fri, Aug 24 2012 11:11 PM

    I like the way it is... And maybe a random selection but inverted nah..

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Aug 24 2012 11:35 PM

    +1 to "random".

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 2:27 AM

    My advice is to learn to play on all speeds of greens, but pesonally it is not worth playing on slow greens as there is only marginal skill in picking the lines as they break far less. Yes tournament greens take getting used to, but with practice it gets easier and is far more rewarding when you sink a putt that requires perfect line and distance.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 7:02 PM

    The only problem with Random is...   you might get the Slow Green

    I tell all of my CC members to play in the Higher Tier comps we set up....  just to get a good idea of faster green speeds.

    Most of the Alt shot games I play is with Legends or Tm's on my friends list.

    Stroke Play games though is a different story.  That's the reason for my suggestion.

    I always say to em... careful of my green speed and I can see some of em struggle,

    Then I give em a little hint or template to use for Tourny Speeds.

    Depending on up/down hill ....   15ft putt will travel 20ft....  18ft putt will travel 24ft... 30ft will go 40ft....etc.   

    Just gives em a general idea and with slight adjustments, I can see em actually doing ok :)

    The reason why I don't like slow greens....  I can't seem to get my brain working to actually slam the
