Not knowing the actual dollars you charge for the advertising part of this business more emphasis should be placed on videos directly for credits. Even if they are only worth one credit the entire carousel/views/redemption system could be bypassed.
I really appreciate that WGT attempts to find ways for some of us to play the game for free with upgraded "equipment." It would be terrible if we could only play using the free clubs and golf balls.
More emphasis on golf companies as advertisers and sponsors sounds like a very good idea. As the ads are targeted maybe some golf courses in the player's local area may want to join or book through an online link to verify the effectiveness of the ads. Some up and coming energy bar company could not only put their brand on the xp boost bars but provide ads directly for credits as well. There are also computer companies, natural food companies and a lot of retailers that could be approached.
I'm sure you use an outside service to get most (or all) of the ads directly for credits since you can't have staff in every country. They need to open up to a lot of companies that maybe don't fit within their tight ideas as to who might be willing to run ads for credits.