I need some help. Does anybody know if I can pay for my members to enter a tourney. I have a small club with 12 members. I want everyone to play but most don't have the credits. I'm willing and able to pony up for everyone. Anyone know how I can do this?
Much appreciated.
Why don't you just create some free to enter CC tourneys? But if you want go give your players credits, you can lose a blitz in challenge mode to them, although they would have to have at least 30 cr in their accounts. I'm not a an of that, but losing challenges is really the only way to gift someone credits and I think blitz is the cheapest way to go, only a 5 credit charge for stakes between 25 to 249 credits. But you can't make them spend the cash on entry fees, lol. I hope this helped, if you have any more questions, post them on my wall or send me a friend request.